This Is What Could Happen If Chiefs' White House Visit Goes Sideways

The Kansas City Chiefs will visit the White House on Friday and that, in of itself, is not news because they seemingly make this trip every year.

White House visits by sports teams are to celebrate with the President of the United States the great accomplishment these teams deliver by winning it all.

It's a really cool tradition. And the Chiefs could be using this visit to measure the curtains, floor space, and check out the kitchen because they come so often, they might as well move in.

Chiefs Have Been Here Before

This will be the Chiefs' second consecutive visit to the White House.

(They didn't visit during Covid after winning the Super Bowl in January 2020, and they didn't visit in 1970 after winning Super Bowl IV because White House visits weren't a thing back then.)

Anyway, the headline to come out of Friday's visit should be easy to author: Chiefs Act Like They've Been There Before During White House Visit.

Serious. Solemn. To the point.

But, what if things get a little sideways?

What if stuff gets whack because, after all, we're talking about the Chiefs, who don't do anything in merely ordinary fashion. 

And we're talking about politics and politicians, which are nutty topics in their own right. Or left.

Chiefs Will Be On Time

So let's predict what might happen if this visit gets a little crazy – because crazy is fun.

First off, we know the Chiefs will arrive on time. The reason we know this is that Rashee Rice has been named unofficial team chauffeur. And we all know Rice is capable of getting down the road quicker than almost anybody.

There will be no drug-sniffing dogs on duty at the White House on Friday when the Chiefs arrive. That's because the White House has no concerns about illicit substances, such as cocaine, being on the premises. And the Chiefs seem to prefer pot, anyway.  

Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker is expected to accompany his teammates despite his stated disagreement with President Biden. 

The President was briefed about Butker's commencement speech when it first happened weeks ago. He has been updated on who has come to Butker's defense and about who is in opposition. 

Meeting Union Army Major Harrison Butker

The President also is scheduled for another briefing about Butker's stances, particularly as it pertains to him, mere minutes before the Chiefs arrive.

But no worries. 

The President will have forgotten all about Butker's stances by the time he shakes the player's hand…

…Which will happen when someone picks Biden up after he trips.

President Biden may understandably believe he's being introduced to a civil war veteran when he meets Butker because, well, have you seen Butker? Dude looks like a Union army major.

Anyway, this is bound to go well because Biden loves meeting his contemporaries.

Chiefs coach Andy Reid has been a gentleman in explaining that his team's visits to the White House are not about making a political statement.

Reid has also not been coy about his love for the food catered during the afternoon visits. The White House menu Friday is expected to meet with the coach's approval.

White House Menu Sure To Please

There will be salad.

There will be Ribeye steaks.

Pork loin.

Penne pasta in pesto sauce.


Fried chicken.

And, of course, some Kansas City BBQ.

Chiefs players and staff will also be fed something or other once Reid has dispensed with the food.

To hear President Biden talk, he and Reid go way back. No, really, waaaay back. 

Biden is expected to share the story about the time he gave Reid a play-call suggestion for the Super Bowl and Reid used it in a victory. The play, Biden is expected to share, is "65 Toss Power Trap."

Biden will tell the tale about how he recalls telling Reid to "matriculate the ball down the field" and then call his suggested play to win the game.

Two Words From Joe Biden

It's unclear if Reid and the rest of the Chiefs party will bring guests. Biden has told his staff he's eager to have Reid bring his wife because he's one of her biggest fans.

He simply loves watching Joy Reid on TV.

Biden is expected to keep his comments short so as to move the program along. 

But OutKick has been given a preview of the president's speech (wink). The opening reads:

"Let me start off with two words: Congratulations to the Chiefs for winning the Super Bowl last July."

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Armando Salguero is a national award-winning columnist and is OutKick's Senior NFL Writer. He has covered the NFL since 1990 and is a selector for the Pro Football Hall of Fame and a voter for the Associated Press All-Pro Team and Awards. Salguero, selected a top 10 columnist by the APSE, has worked for the Miami Herald, Miami News, Palm Beach Post and ESPN as a national reporter. He has also hosted morning drive radio shows in South Florida.