Woman Wants $2 Million From The New York Mets After Being Blocked From Stadium While Wearing MAGA Hat

Apparently, the Arizona Cardinals are not the only sports franchise to be in hot water over telling a fan they couldn’t wear a "Make America Great Again" hat

A woman from New York named Aura Moody is suing the New York Mets for allegedly denying her entrance to Citi Field on August 14 because she was wearing a hat with Donald Trump’s campaign slogan. She filed the lawsuit in Brooklyn Federal Court, and is seeking $2 million in damages.

According to the lawsuit, Moody (a 64-year-old Black woman) and another friend were entering the stadium for a game against the Oakland Athletics. They were meeting up with several other members of the Queens Village Republican Club, but Moody and her friend were told they must remove their MAGA hats before entering. The staffer said it was "too political."

When Moody tried to suggest putting the hat in the bag, she was allegedly told "No because you can put the hat back on when you get to your seat. You have to take the MAGA hat out of the Stadium."

After going back to a car to put her hat away, Moody was finally granted access to the stadium. However, she noticed that several of her friends who were white were allowed to wear their MAGA hats into Citi Field. As a result, she is suing the Mets for "racial discrimination and political retaliation" and "reputational harm."

"This country is supposed to be the beacon of freedom for all," she told The New York Post. 

The Mets have since retrained the employee, said that the employee misinterpreted stadium policy, and attempted to invite Moody back. However, she said that that might be her last time heading to Citi Field.

"It was embarrassing. It was heartbreaking. It was shocking. It was humiliating. So how can I go back? It may take some time," she said.

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John Simmons graduated from Liberty University hoping to become a sports journalist. He’s lived his dream while working for the Media Research Center and can’t wait to do more in this field with Outkick. He could bore you to death with his knowledge of professional ultimate frisbee, and his one life goal is to find Middle Earth and start a homestead in the Shire. He’s still working on how to make that happen.