WNBA Player Breaks Down In Tears And Blames New Racist Fans For Poor Play

Well, the WNBA regular season is officially over. Just like that. Poof. Gone. What a ride it was!

Wait, you didn't know? Ah, that's OK. That's why I'm here! To alert you that the WNBA regular season is over, so you can now go back to watching college football on this gorgeous Saturday. I'm sure it was gonna be a tough decision to make, and now you don't have to!

You are welcome. 

Anyway, the playoffs start tomorrow … for some teams. For others, like the Chicago Sky, it's full-on vacation mode now, because they missed the playoffs. Sad. Get 'em next year, ladies!

Now, two players on the Sky – yes, they have other players not named Angel Reese – took to the podium last night to break down the big season, and it turned into a 2-minute debrief on how racist all the new WNBA fans are. 

What a twist here from Dana Evans (left) and Isabelle Harrison! 

Chicago Sky players blame racist fans for bad season

What a way to start the offseason! Just torching all the new fans – and your own fans – is certainly a choice, but it sounds like it's been pent-up for a while now.

Look, let's go ahead and get this out of the way before the usual wokes on the internet come after me and accuse me of stoking the racial flames … 

Hurling racist remarks at anyone over anything – much less their performance in a silly game – is a stupid thing to do. Feel like we should all agree on that. 

That being said … blaming internet trolls for your poor play is also a stupid thing to do. Seriously? That's why you played poorly? Because some loser in his mom's Chicago suburb basement tweeted mean things about you and tagged you in it? 

If that's the case, I've got news for you … this ain't the world for you. Get out, now. We live in the age of social media. People are RUTHLESS. They're idiots, but ruthless idiots. And if mean tweets get under your skin … yikes. 

Now, I don't know what was said. These two don't provide any examples, so take that for whatever it's worth. But blaming new fans – and your OWN fans – for your poor play on the court, and calling them all racist bigots, seems like a losing strategy to me. Right or wrong – it's losing. 

Just my two cents, not that anyone from the Sky wants it. Lord knows they don't. But, you got it anyway! Sorry. 

Back to college football now. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.