Pat McAfee Show Will Pay Off Student's Tuition Via Insane 'Deuce' McBride Shot

It was an absolute scene in Morgantown, West Virginia as New York Knicks forward Miles ‘Deuce’ McBride was tasked with shooting a far away jumpshot with the prize being Pat McAfee paying for a WVU student's tuition live on the ESPN star's show.

If this is what Knicks fans can expect to see this coming season, then they will have as big of a smile as the Mountaineers' student because McBride absolutely DRAINED it as the crowd went wild.


"There's a little bit of wind. Deuce McBride for some kid's tuition," McAfee said as the former WVU player heaved the ball towards the basket. And just like that, BOOM! Nailed it!

"Holy sh**!" McAfee screamed while one of his castmates said that the Knicks should offer him "One-year, $62 million," the same contract that Steph Curry just signed yesterday for a one-year contract extension with the Warriors.

Annual tuition at West Virginia University is around $10,000 for in-state residents or $28,000 for those from out of state. McAfee wouldn't only be on the hook for that though, as he also offered two college students who lined up at 3am to be in the front row for his show $10,000 each.  Meaning, in the end, Pat has to pay anywhere from $30,000 to nearly $60,000 all in a minute of work, but something tells me that he'll be alright

Fortunately for the WVU students, McBride hit the shot for them with the tuition on the line. It could have been much worse, like this University of Alabama student who nailed a half-court shot to only receive a $200 BBQ gift certificate. Oh, and his family owned a competing BBQ restaurant. Not great!

But for the other students? A free year of tuition? 

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.