WATCH: Fighter Claims He Got A Lifetime Boxing Ban After Knocking Opponent Out With Kick To The Head

An MMA fighter learned the hard way that there is a very different set of rules in boxing after he earned himself a lifetime ban for knocking out his opponent with a kick to the noggin.

At least he kept it above the belt.

Idris Abdurashidov is a Russian MMA fighter with a 4-0 record. He decided to diversify his combat sports portfolio by trying his hand at boxing.

So, according to talkSPORT,  he got himself a fight at Ali Boxing Club in Phuket, Thailand Thailand against Iranian fighter Bagher Faraji. In round four of that fight, it looked like things were going Faraji's way, but the wiley 21-year-old had a trick up his sleeve… or rather in one of the legs of his shorts.

In a bunch of other fighting sports, that would be some surefire highlight reel material.

In boxing, where you're not allowed to kick the other fighter? Not so much.

The referee stopped the match and Abdurashidov was DQed, for obvious reasons.

"So I debuted in professional boxing, and disqualification for life." Abdurashidov wrote on Instagram. "That kick with the leg, I threw like a machine gun."

I mean… it was a pretty damn good kick… it was just an incredibly cheap shot.

But then again, If you've got the ability to kick someone like that and you pull it out when someone isn't expecting it at all — like in, oh, I don't know, a boxing match — it's going to do some damage.

Fans weren't impressed though, with some pointing out that Abdurashidov decided because the match was slipping away from him. Others argued that Abdurashidov should be arrested for assault, and they may have a point.

There hasn't been any word on whether or not Abdurashidov is officially facing a lifetime ban, but I'm sure that decision will be coming soon enough.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.