WATCH: Commanders Players Were Willing To Sign Anything And Everything

Autograph-seekers take note: if you want to get something signed, go to the Washington Commanders. As the team showed in a video on social media, those dudes will sign just about anything.

The Commanders social media team got an assist from some undercover kid for this ruse. They had her hit up players with every manner of bizarre and random items.

The team's plant for the occasion, Avi, put on a heck of a performance that netted her a bunch of signed items from a bottle of Draino to a mannequin's head.

Now, I'm not sure what human being alive could turn down an autograph request from a little girl — even bizarre ones — but if any Commander wasn't down for Avi's shenanigans, that promptly hit the cutting room floor.

These dudes couldn't have been cooler.

Case in point: KJ Henry.

The Commanders rookie defensive end commended the young girl's affinity for lettuce while putting his John Hancock on a head of iceberg.

"That's good, That's like really healthy," he said, probably not sure what else to say in that situation. "This is a new one."

Another highlight was long-snapper Camaron Cheeseman being asked to sign a stack of cheese slices.

"I would love for you to sign all these cheeses so I can maybe sell them on eBay later," Avi said.

Perfect ricochet shot at those predatory autograph hunters.

Great stuff from the team's social media folks and high marks to all of the players for being game.

Follow on Twitter: @Matt_Reigle

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.