Virginia Judge Rules Transgender Athlete Can Try Out For Girls Tennis Team

An 11-year-old transgender athlete in Virginia can try out for the girls' middle school tennis team thanks to an injunction from a judge in Hanover County. 

The child, known only as "Janie Doe" in the lawsuit, was previously not allowed to compete on the girls' team because Doe was born male. 

Virginia law prohibits biological males from competing on girls' and women's athletic teams. 

According to the Washington Post, "The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Virginia filed a lawsuit in July on behalf of the 11-year-old plaintiff and her parents, alleging that the Hanover County school board was discriminating against the student by not allowing her to play after she successfully tried out for the tennis team." 

The ruling from the judge, who was appointed by former United States President Barack Obama, means that Doe can compete on the girls' team while the lawsuit proceeds forward in court. 

Some of the details in the lawsuit are quite disturbing. The Post published several quotes directly from the suit. 

"Last summer, Janie, who has identified as a girl since she was 7 years old, tried out for and made the girls’ tennis team." 

The athlete "was diagnosed with gender dysphoria, has been placed on puberty blockers, and legally changed her name and birth certificate to reflect her sex as female." 

Biological males don't belong in girls' and women's sports, but there's a bigger and more important issue at play with this transgender child

Look, OutKick's position on girls' and women's sports is very clear: they should be for females only. 

So, there's no need to say anything more about that. 

However, I was struck by the above statements made in the lawsuit. 

This child was 7-years-old and decided that they were a girl, despite being born as a boy. 

Most parents don't let their seven-year-olds pick out their own clothes, haircuts and meals, but these parents decided their seven-year-old could make the decision to switch genders

Then, to support that choice – made by a seven-year-old – they allowed a doctor to put the child on puberty-blocking medication

Studies are starting to show how damaging those medications can be on children and the majority of transgender kids grow out of gender dysphoria in five years

By then, though, it's too late to do anything. 

It doesn't take a biologist to realize that blocking puberty is not healthy. Puberty is a very natural, very important process for human bodies. 

Injecting children with drugs to stop it from happening doesn't make any logical or medical sense. 

Gender is not a "societal construct" and puberty is a very natural, very necessary human process

As much as left-wing radicals want to explain that "gender is a societal construct," that's simply not true. 

The process of undergoing puberty has nothing to do with society and everything to do with human biology. 

"Janie Doe" is obviously a very confused child who needs high-level mental health care. 

Does Doe need medications that are going to trigger life-altering changes like blocking puberty? Any reasonable person would find that extreme and truly a last resort.

Playing on the girls' tennis team is not the kind of care that the child needs. 

The fact that so many parents are willing to allow this to happen – and sometimes encourage it – to their children is a disturbing trend. 

That's the real "societal construct." Unfortunately, our society has placed a premium on victimhood. 

Having a transgender child is one of the highest levels of victimhood that a person can claim, as evidenced by this court case. 

Thus, these parents are incentivized to allow children to take potentially dangerous medications to stop puberty in order to obtain valuable social currency. 

Unfortunately, this child is the victim. Not a victim of gender dysphoria, though.

This child is a victim of poor parenting, and that's the real sad part of this story. 

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.