Man Brutally Crushed After Dumb Tweet About Football Season Weddings

The internet has found its new public enemy number one:

A man who suggested weddings during football season are acceptable.

Weddings on Saturdays during the college football season has been a soapbox issue of mine for as long as I can remember.

I can't stand people who schedule a wedding on one of the few Saturdays a year when there's college football on. You have the rest of the year to schedule a wedding. Don't do it during the precious football season, and I'm saying this as a man who recently got engaged.

You'll catch me dead before you see me schedule a wedding during football season, and judging from the roasting currently happening to a man on X, I'm not alone.

Man destroyed for suggesting weddings during football season are fine.

X user @Red_Dead_Fred decided to post Tuesday night a declaration of war when he tweeted, "I cannot stand the "no weddings during football season" crowd anymore. Grow up. You’re 26."

Wrong, Fred! Very wrong! This savage and uncivilized attack against college football fans will not go unanswered, and reinforcements have already hit the front line to let Fred know what's up. Check out some of the reactions below, and hit me with your thoughts at

I had one simple rule for the wedding after getting engaged. It can not happen during football season, and it's a non-negotiable point of the deal. I don't care about anything else other than not having it during football season and making sure the open bar is elite.

My saint of a future wife totally understood and we booked an overseas wedding (location classified for now) out of football season.

Do you know why many of my friends, family and myself wouldn't dare have a wedding during college football season? Because it's a massive middle finger to your friends and family who only get a handful of Saturdays a year for college football.

I'll put my hand up and say it if I have to. Nobody's wedding is more important than a major college football matchup. Now, a specific marriage might be more important than a specific game, but I'm not even sure how often that's the case. About half of marriages end in divorce.

Championships and great victories/upsets last forever. The hilarious part about this situation is I literally tweeted about this topic on Tuesday prior to big dog Fred getting lit up like a Christmas tree on X.

Now, let me offer an olive branch. Some people will schedule a Friday night wedding during football season, and that gives you plenty of time to get back home by the early slate Saturday.

I don't advise this, but it's definitely way more acceptable than a Saturday wedding. One of my close buddies had his wedding scheduled on a Friday for the sole purpose of making sure it didn't impact the viewing of the Wisconsin game Saturday.

Do you know what he did when the game was shifted to Friday night? He had a massive TV rolled into the reception so we could all watch the game as we drank some beers and traded stories. A veteran move. Always have a backup plan.

You can plan your wedding during football season if you want, but you're simply planning for me to not show up. The choice is yours. I will sleep like a baby. What's your take on the situation? I definitely want to know at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.