Video Shows Scottie Scheffler's Arresting Officer May Be The Softest Guy On The Planet

Look, I love our great police officers out there. I Back the Blue, love that thin blue line, respect the hell out of anyone and everyone in uniform, and will certainly teach my kids to do the same. 

But I've gotta be fair here. I have to call this Scottie Scheffler situation like I see it ….

Upon further review – and by that I mean watching the 7-minute body cam video released last night – I think I've decided that Scheffler's arresting officer – Bryan Gillis – may be the softest human alive. 

There's just no other way to say it. If you thought the photos released yesterday of his … injuries … were a bad look, just wait until you watch this clip of him wandering around the "crime scene" like he's in the middle of a war zone and having just survived the most violent attack in the history of time. 

PS: I don't really know war terms, that's more in David Hookstead's lane, so I apologize for sounding dumb. Point still stands, though:

Scottie Scheffler bodycam video paints a pretty sad picture of what happened 

I mean, my God. What are we doing here? Am I wrong? Is this Gillis fella not the biggest crybaby on the planet? 

He just spends seven minutes running around like a lost puppy, telling his "story" to anyone that will listen. And the other cops are clearly over him. You can see it in their eyes. They can tell pretty quickly that he's full of crap, and they want nothing to do with his ramblings. 

By the way … those injuries he's yapping about? Here they are:

I mean, again … what are we doing here? You know what those are? Those are raspberries – or strawberries, depending on what generation you grew up in – from sliding into second. I've had a million of those over the years. Hurt like the dickens, but they're gone in about two days. 

"My wrist hurts, my knee hurts, he almost f—king ran me over."

Get outta here! 

And how about this guy just rifling through Scottie Scheffler's rental car with absolutely no reservation? What the hell happened to his headphones? Are they OK? 

At the 4:35 mark, it sounds like he also takes a shot at Scottie being a golfer:

That's what I heard, too. Thought I heard it live, and then pretty much confirmed it upon further review. 

The absolute best part of this video, though, is the beginning. I've never seen someone struggle with opening a car door like officer Gillis. Never. And I have a toddler! 

God Damnit, open! I can't get out of this f--king vehicle!


Again, I'm the pro-law enforcement guy all the time. Love our police force. I'm the guy who always picks up their tab wherever we are. No questions asked. 

But this guy? Yeah, he ain't it. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.