VIDEO: Ohio HS Centerfielder Tracks Down Opponent With Incredible Hustle To Tag Him Out At The Plate

In one single play, Griffin Bruns from Marion Local High School in Ohio displayed more hustle and heart than most players display in an entire season.

It was the top of the sixth inning in Friday’s Division IV baseball final against Fort Recovery High School, and Bruns and Marion Local were getting the snot beat out of them. Fort Recovery was winning 11-3, and Marion Local was probably mentally checked out and just hoping for the game to end quickly.

To make things worse, Fort Recovery’s Caden Grisez lifted a routine pop up that landed for a bloop single in shallow centerfield. Because of Marion Local’s poor defensive alignment, Grisez was able to take second and eventually third base. Then, he got the bright idea to try to make it an inside-the-park homerun, because why not at this point in the game.

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As all this was happening, Bruns had the ball in his hands and was watching his defense slowly yet surely crumble in embarrassing fashion. In response, he mustered whatever competitive juices and shred of dignity he had left in him and decided to chase Grisez down on his own.

By some miracle combination of speed and sheer will, Bruns tracked down Grisez and placed the tag just before the runner got to the dish.

Coaches will spend years preaching hustle and effort to their players and not get a tenth of what Bruns displayed. Was it enough to win the game? Of course not, Fort Recovery still ended up taking the title.

But Bruns won the day by showing remarkable character and giving his team something to be proud of. And for that, he should feel proud of himself.

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John Simmons graduated from Liberty University hoping to become a sports journalist. He’s lived his dream while working for the Media Research Center and can’t wait to do more in this field with Outkick. He could bore you to death with his knowledge of professional ultimate frisbee, and his one life goal is to find Middle Earth and start a homestead in the Shire. He’s still working on how to make that happen.