US Sprinter Noah Lyles Disses NBA 'World Champions' After Winning An Actual World Championship

US sprinter Noah Lyles won gold in the 100 and 200-meter sprints at the World Athletic Games in Budapest Hungary.

As part of his celebration, he decided to diss NBA Champions for claiming to be "World Champions" because why the hell not?

It's your moment, Noah! Have at it!

"I have to watch the NBA finals and they have 'World Champion' on their heads," Lyles said, according to the Daily Mail. "World champion of what? The United States? Don’t get me wrong. I love the US at times. But that ain’t the world."

I'm sure we're all curious to learn at what times Lyles doesn't love the US of A, but that's for another time.

He raises an interesting point about North American leagues claiming to be "World Champions." I've always assumed it was because the best players in the world play in the NBA. No one jumps at a chance to hoop it up with the Beijing Ducks unless NBA offers aren't exactly rolling in.

Lyles continued to pump up the World Athletic Championships as an example of an honest-to-goodness world championship.

“We are the world. We have almost every country out here fighting and thriving and putting on a flag to show that they are represented. There ain’t no flags in the NBA,” he said.

He's correct. There aren't any flags in the NBA. Although Serbia was pretty pumped about the Denver Nuggets winning this year.

Lyle went into the 200m as the favorite and even overcame a pre-race golf cart ahead of the semi-finals. That incident left Jamaican sprinter Andrew Hudson with glass in his eye, but he still competed.

We should hear some more about Lyles. He was being followed by camera crews for a Netflix docuseries about sprinters.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.