Unemployed Skip Bayless Takes Shot At Tom Brady Over His Broadcast Skills

Former Fox employee Skip Bayless, whose morning show got so stale he recently – and quietly – left the company (a great one, too!), is now taking shots at current Fox employee, Tom Brady. 


Hey, Skip – piss off. We just traded you for Tom bleeping Brady. Greatest swap in the history of swaps. Someone give our Fox GM a raise, PRONTO!

Bayless, for those who missed it, called our great analyst a sixth round broadcaster, among other things, in a silly little rant on his podcast that nobody listens to. 

I assume Lil Wayne made some sort of cameo as well, because – for some ungodly reason – Skip seems to think the world needs to hear him and Lil Wayne together. It's befuddling, frankly, but whatever. 

That's not the point here. The point is to stuff Skip in a locker over these comments:

Skip Bayless has been an impressive idiot for a decade now

Oh, weird. Skip didn't like Tom Brady's call during a game in which his Cowboys got the shit kicked out of them? Shocking. Didn't see that coming!

Look, Skip is no longer on the Fox payroll, which means we can take the gloves off – finally. This guy STINKS. He's awful. His takes have been awful for over a decade now, and he's literally wrong about everything. 

And I mean everything:

I mean, my God. It's such an impressively bad track record, you almost just have to tip your hat to Skip. Guy has made a career out of just being an annoying talking-head on TV who shouts about LeBron, the Cowboys, Tebow and – now – Tom Brady. 

Calling Tom Brady subpar at anything is hilarious, but given who it's coming from, and where Skip is coming from, it's even funnier. 

Good luck with the podcast, Skip! Say hi to Lil Wayne. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.