UFC Fighter Bluntly Tells Social Media Influencer Bradley Martyn He'd 'Kill' Him In A Street Fight

UFC fighter Marlin "Chito" Vera thinks he would absolutely maul Bradley Martyn in a fight.

The popular social media influencer is known for taking great pride in his size, and depending on the online source, he weighs between 245 and 260.

For comparison, Vera fights at 135 pounds and his walking around weight is 155. That's a big size difference, but the Ecuadorian fighter doesn't think it would make a lick of difference.

Chito Vera says he would kill Bradley Martyn in a fight.

"I kill you. I swear to God I kill you...If you don't knock me out, I'm going to keep coming, and cardio wise, I'm an animal, dude. I'm going to take your eyes out of your face," Vera bluntly told Martyn on his podcast when asked who between the two would win in a street fight.

The UFC star made it crystal clear that if Martyn didn't find a way to knock him out, then the fight would be brutal for him.

In a fight to the death, Vera fully believes he would take Martyn's "guts" out of his body.

Vera is 100% correct.

There's zero doubt at all that Chito Vera is 100% correct with his assessment that he would destroy Martyn in a fight.

Bradley Martyn is a bodybuilder who makes money online. Chito Vera is a trained fighter who makes a lot of money to beat the hell out of other professional fighters.

Bodybuilders and big dudes believing they can take on trained smaller fighters is a weird phenomenon.

I spoke with rising MMA fighter Connor Matthews about this exact topic, and he made it crystal clear a trained fighter would wipe the floor against a much bigger untrained opponent. Just because a person is bigger doesn't mean they have any shot against someone with experience. The fact people don't understand that is simply shocking.

This is also a great example of why you shouldn't start things with people and get in fights. You might have six inches and 40 pounds on someone, but they might also light you up like a Christmas tree. Stay far away from anyone with cauliflower ears. That advice might just save your life.

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.