Trump Campaign Rips Steve Kerr For NBA Coach's Previous Silence On China

Golden State Warriors and Team USA head coach Steve Kerr was in Chicago Monday night for the Democratic Convention. 

Kerr was one of the speakers, which isn't a surprise given his unending wokeness and his love of giving his two cents on any number of political issues.

Well, except for one very big one, and the Trump campaign was more than happy to remind us all of that issue: China, specifically the human rights violations committed therein.

RELATED: Same Steve Kerr Taking 'Risks' To Endorse Kamala Harris Was Afraid To Criticize China

Kerr — the surprise of no one — endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor/fan-fiction father figure to delusional people who hate their real parents, Tim Walz, in the upcoming general election.

"I know very well that speaking out about politics these days comes with risks," Kerr said in his speech. "I can see the shut-up-and-whistle tweets being fired off as we speak.

"But I also knew as soon as I was asked that it was too important as an American citizen not to speak up in an election of this magnitude."

Ah yes, the risks that come with supporting an establishment candidate. Give that man an Evel Knievel suit; he's wild!

As OutKick's own Armando Salguero noted, the same Steve Kerr who is back-patting himself for phony risk-taking is the same one who was too scared to take an actual risk in the name of combating a real issue when he decided the best course of action was to bite his tongue when asked about human rights abuses in China.

Yup. That's risk-takin' Steve Kerr for you. 

Of course, this irony wasn't lost on the Trump campaign either.

Steve Kerr can say what he wants and support the political candidates he wants. That's one of the many things that makes America great compared to a country where those freedoms aren't afforded to citizens such as — oh, I don't know — China.

Kerr can say whatever he wants, but his decision to stay quiet on a real human rights issue will haunt him for a long time.

That's because we now know — and have for some time — that Kerr isn't a risk-taker fighting for what's right. He's a guy who picks his spots when it's in his best interest.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.