A Trio Of Ex-ESPN Employees (Including Keith Olbermann) Got Into A Heated X Argument Over Kamala Harris

The news that Kamala Harris will potentially replace Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee sent several former ESPN employees into a heated argument on X.

It all started with former NBA reporter Chris Palmer tweeting his thoughts about the groundbreaking news that Biden would drop out of the presidential race. He proceeded to write something that I’m sure more than one of us were thinking.

That’s a perfectly fair observation, but it's also worth noting that this is a wildly different take on Harris than what he posted in 2020.

Former ESPN writer LZ Granderson took exception to Palmer's 2024 tweet, because apparently you're still expected to follow ESPN's progressive groupthink even when you don't work for the company. 

The current Los Angeles Times op-ed writer responded to the original message with a quote tweet that was equally strong in tone.

"I was your editor. You got in trouble for making up quotes Maybe focus on your qualifications," the text read. There was also a shoulder shrug emoji at the end of the sentence.

Granderson didn’t explain what part of Palmer’s original tweet was allegedly fabricated, but nonetheless caught the attention of Palmer. He tweeted the following vulgar response

"What the f–k are you talking about. Call me on the phone right now. Are you out of your f–king mind."

Palmer then said he DM’d Granderson, who did not respond, which lead Palmer to ultimately threaten a lawsuit in two separate tweets.

Here was the first: 

"Welp. I gave him an easy out. I hope his lawyer is as good as mine," Palmer wrote. "For now. I got Lamborghinis to drive. There’s a meet up in Long Beach tonight. It might get loud."

And the subsequent one he later wrote. 

"This dude @LZGranderson just gonna randomly slander me in public. Nah, you not gonna be able to get out of this. You better have a good lawyer."

Granderson ultimately typed out an apology to Palmer, which he sent shortly after a New York Post article on this matter.

Not wanting to miss any of the action, former "SportsCenter" host and sworn OutKick enemy Keith Olbermann posted one reply to Palmer’s initial post, to which Palmer quickly gave his own reply.

I think all of the people involved in the argument are fully-grown adults, but after seeing how they interacted, I’m honestly not too sure.

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John Simmons graduated from Liberty University hoping to become a sports journalist. He’s lived his dream while working for the Media Research Center and can’t wait to do more in this field with Outkick. He could bore you to death with his knowledge of professional ultimate frisbee, and his one life goal is to find Middle Earth and start a homestead in the Shire. He’s still working on how to make that happen.