Travis Kelce Reveals When He Thinks The NFL Will Put A Team Abroad

With as many games as the NFL has been playing over in Jolly Old England — it's practically the Jacksonville Jaguars' second home — it stands to reason that at some point there could be a permanent NFL team that plays its games in London. Kansas City Chiefs tight end and boyfriend of some popstar (Taylor… something) Travis Kelce said that he thinks this could happen sooner than some people may think.

Kelce and his brother, former Eagles center Jason, were recently in the UK, and as such, fans asked if they would consider playing for an NFL team based in London.

The answer from both was a resounding yes.

"Unquestionably," Jason said.

"I'm waiting for that team," Travis added. "To play for another team, other than the Chiefs, like, that's the only situation; is if I get to play abroad.

Whoa, that's big. Trading KC for London? That'd be a big one.

Although, as much as I like some fish and chips or banger and mash, leaving Kansas City barbecue behind for the beige and brown cuisine of the British Isles is a wild choice. 

By the way, as far as names, almost every British food is always "____ and ____ for some reason. Maybe that's because when they try a creative name, they go with "Toad in the Hole." 

Guys, you're the birthplace of Shakespeare; I'm confident you can do better on this front...

Anyway, fear not Chiefs fans. That NFL team abroad is years away even if it happens at all. Sure, the scheduling could be a nightmare, but we do seem headed in this direction, and Kelce himself thinks that we could pretty soon.

"Less than 10 years," Travis said when Jason asked how soon the NFL will set up shop abroad. However, he added that he wasn't positive that the first NFL team abroad would be in London.

His brother, on the other hand, is certain that the first NFL franchise outside the United States will be in London.

"If there's an NFL team [abroad], the first city it's coming to is London," Jason said. "I'll go on record for that."

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.