Tim Tebow Joins Fox News To Share Updates On His Fight Against Human Trafficking

Time Tebow joined "Fox News Live" earlier Sunday to discuss some updates in his foundation’s fight against human trafficking.

The former Florida Gators quarterback and 2007 Heisman Trophy winner has a foundation named "The Tim Tebow Foundation" (TTF), which helps identify and rehabilitate children who have been sexually trafficked. Additionally, they arrest and capture offenders by partnering with law enforcement.

Tebow himself has been in this fight for more than a decade, and he shared how he was inspired to get involved.

"We’ve been in this fight for over 10 years, since my dad was overseas and able to purchase the freedom of four little girls and I just knew that day that I was called to fight for the most vulnerable and that’s what we’re trying to do and we’re fortunate to do that in 90 countries around the world to fight for the MVPs: the world’s most vulnerable people," Tebow said.

As you can imagine, this type of evil exposes the worst side of humanity. Tebow shared some sobering statistics about just how prevalent sex trafficking is.

"In the last 12 months, there have been over 500,000 unique IP address that have downloaded and shared child sexual abuse material. On average that 55-85 percent of those that are downloading and sharing it are also hands on offenders," Tebow said. "That means that there are hundreds of thousands of boys and girls that are being abused, that are being hurt, that are being exploited and we have to do something against them."

When this campaign started last year, it was simply titled "Unknown." But this year, Tebow and his team made an update to the campaign name.

‘We started it last year as ‘Unknown,’ but we’re ‘Unfinished’ because there are so many boys and girls that we haven’t gotten to. Yes we’ve made progress…but there are so many more we have to get to," Tebow said.

He shared that his foundation works with rescue teams, safe homes, and provides orphan and medical care to all the victims they rescue. 

Read: Emotional Tim Tebow Gives Powerful Opening Statement On Child Sex Abuse During Capitol Hill Hearing

"We don’t just want to (help) in one cookie cutter way, we want to do it in every way possible," Tebow said.

While he and his organization are providing a variety of resources to help, he did also mention that the fight is so difficult because the number one group of offenders is the fathers of children. That is a discouraging and nauseating evil itself, and could make the fight seem hopeless if a child’s main protector is often an abuser.

However, Tebow said that there are still ways to make a difference with his foundation and in the home, even though this is a daunting fight to win.

"We have a defenders team, we have a prayer warriors team…if you're a mom or dad, just by having trusted conversations with your boys and girls. (Don’t let) people who want to be alone with your children to ever have that opportunity. There’s so many different things that we can all do," Tebow said.

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John Simmons graduated from Liberty University hoping to become a sports journalist. He’s lived his dream while working for the Media Research Center and can’t wait to do more in this field with Outkick. He could bore you to death with his knowledge of professional ultimate frisbee, and his one life goal is to find Middle Earth and start a homestead in the Shire. He’s still working on how to make that happen.