Texas High School Football Team In Trouble For Whipping Opponents With Belts After Blowout Victory

A Texas High School football team is facing criticism after not only putting a beating on their opponents 77-0, but also taking belts and whipping some of the opposing team's players afterward in the handshake line.

Players at the Houston-based Willis High School were seen on a video posted on Facebook taking large belts and swinging them at members of the Cleveland High School team during the customary postgame sportsmanship handshake. At one point, one of the Cleveland players jumps out of the way in order to avoid getting whipped while Willis's players laugh at their opponent.




If being shut out by 70+ points wasn't humiliating enough, imagine having your opponents then haze you in front of your teammates, family and school? Not a laughing matter, according to some of the Cleveland player's parents.

"That’s just shady and there’s no point in doing that. It’s just very childish for them to do that," Melanie Gonzales told KRHO TV.

"I just don’t get it. I don’t, and I’d be very pissed off if I’m scrolling on my phone, and I see my son getting hit with the belt," Mary Almaguer also told the outlet as she said that the whole situation was ridiculous. In a statement, Willis High School said that the players involved in the whipping would be suspended for the first half of their next game, partake in community service and receive other disciplinary measures. 

For Almaguer, that's not enough.


"I think more than just half of a game suspension, maybe the rest of the season, some counseling," the player's mom said. Meanwhile, Cleveland High School released their own statement saying that Willis's actions were uncalled for and they have contacted the proper district and league officials to file an official complaint.

How times have changed! Back when I was playing sports, the biggest thing we had to worry about was if someone spit on their hand before we all lined up. But to have to maneuver your way around the line so that you don't get whipped and spanked is absurd.

Also, where were the coaches of either team while all of this was going on? How does nobody step up in that situation ?

Unfortunately, the whipping doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon as more Gen Zers are partaking in the trend for some unknown reason.