Tennis Star At Center Of US Open Ball Girl Controversy Says People Took '3 Second Video' Out Of Context

The US Open is winding down and one of the things that people will remember the most — next to that one dude who appeared to get Honey Deuce-blocked in the stands — will be the ball girl controversy surrounding Kazakhstan's Yulia Putintseva.

If you're not familiar, Putintseva was getting some heat for an awkward moment caught on camera in which she stood there while the ball girl tried to toss her some fresh Wilsons.

People were upset because being a ball girl or boy is a tough gig — I would know, I saw the episode of Seinfeld where Kramer does it — so Putintseva seemingly making it harder on her was not well-received by pretty much anyone.

However, there are two sides to every story, and now Putintseva is giving hers.

She explained what happened from her point of view in an Instagram post.

"Its kind of scary the way world can judge someone from just a 3 second video, that someone post from one side, without seeing the rest on what was really happening," Putintseva wrote. 

Well, that I can understand. Things get taken out of context all the time… but that clip was a little longer than three seconds.

"I was just playing tennis and lost a tough game, which was very close (in my opinion) to turn that match around," she continued. "After the game (as you can see on a pic) i got very much disappointed and was almost crying, that i didnt do better. At this time the girl was give me the ball,which i didnt even notice or so, because i was deep in my thoughts…"

Putintseva went on to say that the ball girl's name is Katie and apologized saying that she never intended to humiliate anyone.

"I didnt do anything disrespectful to anyone at this particular moment," she said. "I do apologize, if this girl thinks that it was something towards her."

Putintseva lost the match in which the incident occurred to  Italy’s Jasmine Paolini.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.