Team Canada Accused Of Using Drone To Spy On Opponents' Soccer Practices

The Olympics don't officially begin until later this week but we've already got some drama out of the Games' soccer tournament.

Canada and New Zealand will open their tournaments on the women's side against each other on Thursday night, and according to a complaint filed by the Kiwis, the defending Olympic champs have been trying to get some dirt on them.

According to the Associated Press, New Zealand has announced that it has filed a complaint to the International Olympic Committee's integrity unit (might I suggest it go by the name, the "Cheat Squad?") and it had to do with a drone that flew over one of its training sessions earlier this week..

And who was alleged to have been at the controls of this drone?

Why, a member of Team Canada's support staff!

"Team support members immediately reported the incident to police leading to the drone operator, who has been identified as a support staff member of the wider Canadian Women’s football team, to be detained," a statement from the New Zealand Olympic Committee reads. "The NZOC has formally lodged the incident with the IOC integrity unit and has asked Canada for a full review."

According to Sportsnet, the Canadian Olympic Committee says that the person detained by French police was a "non-accredited" member of Canada Soccer's support team and that it was "shocked and disappointed" by the claims. 

The COC is currently investigating.

I think these upcoming Olympics are going to be one for the ages (the boring boat parade opening ceremony notwithstanding). I mean, we haven't started a single event yet, and we've already got an Olympic drone spygate controversy (Dronegate?), with the defending champions at the center of it.

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for some Olympic action. It's going to be a fun couple of weeks.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.