The Stanley Cup Knows How To Party, Here Are Some Of Its Wildest Moments

I don't think anyone can argue that the Stanley Cup isn't the greatest trophy in sports and it sure as hell parties like it.

Barely 12 hours after the Florida Panthers got their hands on it, the Cup was hitting Ft. Lauderdale hot spots, waterboarding fans with beer, and then taking a dip in the ocean.

I'd like to see the Lombardi Trophy do that…

Anyway, the Stanley Cup has seen a lot over the years, and if it could talk, I'm sure it would tell some wild stories, all the while with a glazed-over, thousand-yard stare.

It has seen some things, many of which are probably not even public knowledge,

So, let's look back at some of the Cup's wildest moments over the years that are on the record. 

The Time The Canadiens Left The Stanley Cup On The Side Of The Road

I think we underestimate the early part of the 20th century as far as debauchery. I think we assume it was more buttoned up, but the truth is it was probably wilder, there just weren't smartphones around to capture the antics or keep dudes in check.

The Montreal Canadiens are no strangers to Lord Stanley's Cup having won it more than any other franchise, but in 1924, players completely left it behind on the side of the road.

According to The New York Times, some Habs attended a celebratory reception and it must have been a good one. So good that on the way home, they completely forgot about the Cup after changing a tire on a Ford Model T and left it on the side of the road.

Can you imagine how out of it you have to be for that to happen? If I step out of my apartment without my wallet, I instantly feel naked. Think how gone you have to be to leave the Cup behind.

The Rangers Lit The Cup On Fire Then Paid The Price

If you're the superstitious type, you're probably aware of the curse that struck the New York Rangers and the Curse of 1940.

One story for how it came to be was that after the Blueshirts had wrapped up a Cup win over the Toronto Maple Leafs in 1940 and to celebrate not only the Cup but paying off the mortgage for Madison Square Garden, someone decided to burn the mortgage in the Stanley Cup's bowl.


The Rangers wouldn't hoist the Cup again until 1994 when Mark Messier led them to a win over the Vancouver Canucks in a seven-game series.

Red Kelly's Kid Took A Leak In It

A common move is for players to give their young kids baths in the Stanley Cup. That's adorable, but remember, there are other dudes who want to eat cereal out of the bowl.

Toronto Maple Leafs great Red Kelly was one of those who put his son in the Cup for a quick bathe, and the youngster sprung a leak in the bowl.

"I put my newborn son Conn (named after former Leafs owner, Conn Smythe) in the Cup and they took a picture," Kelly said in a 2006 Hockey Hall of Fame article. "And the look on Conn's face -- he did the whole load in the Cup! Our family always chuckles when they see guys drinking the champagne out of the Cup."

Yeah, the Cup gets cleaned pretty regularly, but still, that's just the instances of urine and baby ass that we're aware of. 

I'm sure there are others we don't.

The Cup Has Taken Some Lumps Over The Years Including One At Late Pantera Drummer Vinnie Paul's House

The Cup is always immaculate when it's presented, but it has taken a beating over the years and one of those lumps came at, of all places, the home of late Pantera drummer Vinnie Paul.

Paul and his late brother, Dimebag Darrel, were big Stars fans and wrote the team's goal song that is still used to this day. When the Stars won the Cup in 1999, the Pantera boys got in on the party.

"They brought the Stanley Cup, and we brought every strip dancer we could find in town and it was the best party you've ever seen," Paul said, per Loudwire. "At about five o'clock in the morning, we're all out in the pool, the hot tub - it's just party, party party, and here comes Guy Carbonneau and he's got the Cup and 'Hey Luddy (Craig Ludwig) — catch the Cup!' and he throws it off the balcony and it gets right about to there and goes 'doink' off the side of the pool and into the water and we jumped on it and sank it to the bottom. 

"The Cup keeper, the guy you see on the commercial, he says, 'You cannot do that - that's the Stanley Cup!' and we're like, 'We just f**kIng did it, dude!' It was pretty awesome man."

Surely, the Florida Panthers will continue to add to the Cup's legacy of shenanigans, but hopefully it will come back in one piece.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.