Someone Won’t Stop Peeing In An Indiana Dollar Tree’s Candles

I think it's hard to walk through a store that sells candles and not stick your dumb face in them for a whiff, but if you're at the Dollar Tree in South Bend, Indiana, maybe take a rain check on trying to get a couple nostrils full of sea breeze or strawberries or whatever.

That's because some psycho is wreaking havoc there and keeps unloading his bladder in the store's candle inventory.

According to WSBT, Adreanna Shelton and her 9-year-old daughter, Gray, were cruising through the Dollar Tree aisles when they stopped to sniff some candles.

But what started as innocent scent sampling turned into a nightmare when a nasty-smelling liquid dumped out of one of the candles.

"We're smelling candles, and she picked up a candle to smell and tilted it back and it literally, liquid, went down her. At first we were like maybe it's just water, and as we were just walking through the store we get a foul smell and Gray goes, 'Mom, my shirt really stinks,'" Shelton said.

Indeed, her shirt did stink, because that liquid was urine that some psycho decided to leave in a candle.

Shelton made the right call by letting the store staff know what had happened and they gave maybe the worst answer they could have in this situation.

"They have been telling me this has been happening over a month, and they're not able to catch the person doing it, and there's no cameras down the aisle where he is doing it, so the store employees, the manager, has asked corporate to put in cameras in those areas. And corporate just doesn't want to pay for those."

They knew about it?!?!?!?

There's A Monster Terrorizing South Bend's Dollar Tree

Alright, if I was sniffing candles and accidentally dumped urine on myself and it was the first time that it had ever happened in that store, I'd be willing to shoulder some of the blame.

But if I go tell the cashier what had happened and they're like, "Yeah, that's a pretty regular thing around here if you can believe that," I'd be irate and as soon as I was done showering several times, I'd be typing up a strongly-worded email to corporate.

I don't even know what could drive a person to do that. I mean, the fact that this keeps happening in the one item everyone will stick their face in without thinking twice makes me think that this is a calculated thing, and not just some kind of embarrassing emergency that has happened multiple times in the same store and always in the candle aisle.

The store's manager said they're in contact with corporate to figure out a way to stop this monster. 

Hopefully, that happens soon and shoppers can go back to safely inhaling wax fumes.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.