Social Media Celebrates Win For Women's Sports After SCOTUS Rejects Biden's Title IX Rewrite

Women's sports advocates are celebrating after a massive win in the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday.

In a 5-4 ruling, SCOTUS struck down part of the Biden Administration's appeal of lower court rulings on their proposed changes to Title IX. Those changes — which would have prioritized gender identity over biological reality — have been widely rejected by courts across the country.

Title IX was originally passed by Congress in 1972 to open doors for women in both education and athletics. But Biden's rewrite would have allowed men to play on women's sports teams and to enter women's bathrooms, locker rooms and dorms.

You know, defeating the whole purpose of Title IX.

Trans-identifying males participating on women's sports teams and entering women's spaces has become a serious hot-button issue over the past few years.

READ: Biden’s Title IX Rule Adds Discrimination Against Women Through The Backdoor | Riley Gaines + Paula Scanlan

OutKick host and former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines has led the charge in advocating for fairness and safety in women's sports, but she's not the only one. After the Biden Administration announced the changes to Title IX in the spring, other former athletes and lawmakers have also stepped up to protect female spaces.

While there's still work to do, Friday's ruling ensures that Biden's Title IX changes will not go into effect at any point in the near future.