Pro Soccer Player Justin Meram Proudly Supports Trump Against Angry Bigots: 'You're The Problem!'

Longtime MLS player Justin Meram adamantly voiced his support for Donald Trump on social media on Wednesday, which spawned the usual response from critics who sought to bash Meram as a "bigot." 

Meram had a message for those "keyboard warriors," calling them out for operating in an echo chamber and succumbing to their Trump Derangement Syndrome rather than waking up to the real world of varied opinions.

The 35-year-old, born in Michigan, caught flack after posting a photo of his "Make America Great Again" hat on Instagram, which circulated on social media and landed on X. 

After Meram faced backlash for his MAGA hat, he posted a fiery message to pounce on all the wokesters mad at Meram for holding different political views than their own.

Like most of America, Meram is fed up with all the pearl-clutching over Trump. 

"For all the people chatting sh*t about my support with Trump, you don't know my life and perspective," Meram posted on X. The former MLSer who last played with the Michigan Stars had been responding to a screenshot of his Instagram Story supporting Trump. The photo had been reposed as a means to criticize Meram for holding conservative views.

Meram continued, "For all the keyboard warriors out there that just think their vision is the only perspective that is right… you're the problem! God bless America and God bless you all."

One of the key issues that Trump focused on in the past, to Meram's liking, was his support to help Chaldean Christians — a religious minority in Iraq. The US-born Christian was the only person of his faith to play for Iraq's national team. However, in 2017, Meram did not join his team for a match played in Iran, listening to advice concerning his safety in Tehran at the time. 

The sports media at the time tried blaming Trump's travel ban on Muslim countries and misconstruing the narrative.

Meram's post about Trump spawned a ton of reactions, both supportive and fiery:

One fan commented, "Once you no longer need to be rooted for, people will try to tear you down. Stand up for what you believe bro, great player and even better guy."

Another said, "The people mad are genuinely mentally ill."

"You love the tax breaks more than you love your fellow men and women," one critic said.

One crazed lib added, "Shame on you, d***riding a country that destroyed your country and a president against your own people for taxes. Don't consider yourself Iraqi anymore." 

Accepted or not, Meram is standing 10 toes firmly on what he believes and who he supports.

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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick - living in Southern California.

All about Jeopardy, sports, Thai food, Jiu-Jitsu, faith. I've watched every movie, ever. (@alejandroaveela, via X)