Simone Biles Appears To Be Open To Competing In The Los Angeles Olympics In 2028

Simone Biles pretty much canonized herself as the best Olympic gymnast of all time at the Paris Games, but there's a chance that it wasn't her Olympic swan song.

Paris marked Biles' third trip to the Olympics following appearances at the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro and the 2020 Games in Tokyo (which were held in 2021), and given the typical shelf-life of gymnasts, you'd think 2024 would mark the end of Biles' Olympic career.

Maybe not.

"Is this my last? Definitely the Yurchenko double pike. I mean, I kinda nailed that one. So, you know, never say never. The next Olympics is at home. So you just never know." Biles told the media when asked if she was going to call it an Olympic career. "But I am getting really old."

Biles will be 31 when the next Olympics take place in Los Angeles in 2028. While the sport is usually dominated by women much closer to their teens and early 20s, competing at that age is by no means unprecedented.

Uzbekistan's Oksana Chusovitina competed at the 2020 Games in her mid-forties and tried, but ultimately failed to qualify for the Paris Games at age 48.

So, it's not impossible to think that Biles might give it a shot, especially when she saw so much success at these Games.

Plus, what athlete would pass up an opportunity to compete at their home Olympics? The United States hasn't played host to the Summer Games since 1996 when they were held in Atlanta. 

If you're not big on math, I'll help you out: that means it's a 32-year gap between Summer Games (wait, let me double check that… uh-huh, subtract by the.. yup, 32 years).

That is to say that they don't come around all that often, so you've got to think if she thinks she can compete at a high enough level, we'll see Biles in Los Angeles four years from now.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.