Sexual Assault Lawsuit Dropped Against Former Jaguars Kicker Brandon McManus Over Plaintiffs' Anonymity

The lawsuit filed against NFL kicker Brandon McManus by two unidentified women alleging sexual assault was dismissed in Duval County, Fla., on Tuesday.

READ: Jaguars Kicker Brandon McManus Being Sued For Sexual Assault During Team Flight

According to the Washington Post, the case against McManus was dropped after the individuals failed to disclose their identities to back their claims. The women were asked to update their legal complaint with their real names instead of using Jane Doe I and Jane Doe II.  

The two flight attendants accused McManus of physically rubbing up against them during the Jaguars' trip to London in 2023. They are also suing the Jaguars for failing to create a "safe environment" for the flight staff.

McManus, signed with the Washington Commanders, was released a week after the allegations went public. 

Though the case was dismissed, the women can file the lawsuit again, which attorney Tony Buzbee alluded to following Tuesday's decision.

"Most defendants in sexual assault cases file these types of motions thinking that the victims won’t proceed if they have to publicly reveal their names," Buzbee, the plaintiffs’ attorney, said. 

"We anticipated this ruling. To be clear, these women have no intention of running and hiding, and will comply with the court’s order in a timely fashion. We look forward to continuing to pursue this important case."

McManus' lawyer, Brett Gallaway, celebrated the court's decision and mentioned that McManus, 33, is looking to get back into playing in the NFL.

"We are very pleased with the court's order in connection with Mr. McManus' motion to dismiss these baseless allegations," Gallaway said in a statement. "We look forward to him returning to the NFL playing field as soon as possible."

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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick - living in Southern California.

All about Jeopardy, sports, Thai food, Jiu-Jitsu, faith. I've watched every movie, ever. (@alejandroaveela, via X)