Political Analyst Scott Jennings Is Roasting CNN's Liberal Pundits On CNN Itself

CNN has a problem if it wants to continue being a left-leaning, fact-denying, fully in the tank fake news outlet designed to lift one political party and bash the other nearly all the time.

The problem's name is Scott Jennings.

Jennings is a contributor for CNN. He has been there since 2017, but lately things have changed. He's gone from a back-bench contributor to starter and star on the network's primetime panel of pundits.

And he's been killing it.

Scott Jennings Outnumbered

Jennings, 46, was most recently featured prominently on the network's panel at both the Republican and Democrat Conventions. 

He's been screen-right (of course) to former Obama Senior Advisor David Axelrod, avowed communist and former Obama green jobs czar Van Jones, and a full roster of other Trump-loathing, illegal immigration promoting, America-last voices.

Jennings, in other words, is outnumbered.

But somehow he's not just holding his own, he's often winning the messaging battle. He has often destroyed the network's liberal narratives and political pundits live on air.

Right to their faces.

The first we noticed Jennings was back in April when he was on a CNN panel talking with American Federation of Teachers president Randi (her real name is Rhonda) Weingarten.   

Confronting Weingarten Lie

Weingarten was one of the ghouls who helped force what was meant to be temporary school closures at the start of the pandemic to become an extended practice. That practice has now been proven to have encumbered the education of millions of kids.

The thing is Weingarten advocated for this policy of keeping classrooms closed, but a couple of years later, denied that was ever her position.

Jennings knew this and ripped Weingarten for it.

"I am stunned at what you have said this week about your claiming to have wanted to reopen schools," Jennings said on CNN Tonight. "I think you’ll find that most parents believe you were the tip of the spear of school closures. There are numerous statements you made over the summer of ’20 scaring people to death about the possibility of opening schools.

"And I hear no remorse whatsoever about the generational damage that’s been done to these kids."

Scott Jennings: Democrats Running Country

Fast-forward to the just-completed Democratic Convention in Chicago. Jennings was on CNN's big-hitter panel, again, outnumbered because rigging stuff is part of the marching orders for the left.

But Jennings used truth as an ally and together they landed punches. Like when the panel was lauding the speeches by the Obamas the other evening – with much of those speeches blaming former president Trump for the country's problems.

Jennings made an incontrovertible argument: One cannot say the country is a mess and then blame someone who isn't running the country.

"Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years," Jennings said, addressing Axelrod directly. "And for all the talk about division, and the problems of the country, and people are hurting, Democrats have mostly controlled this country.

"Trump had it for four. The Obamas and Biden had it for the rest of the time. And somehow, it's still all Trump's fault…"

Jennings Cooks Liberal Pundits

Jennings has been like a bulldog gnarling at a meaty bone on this and similar points.

Avowed communist Jones made the point after the Tim Walz speech Thursday that democrats are winning the trust battle with voters. He said voters want to "trust the pilot" that is about to take the country to a better destination and Kamala Harris is that pilot. 

"My brother,"  Jennings responded, "I have to tell you, the current pilot of the plane is Kamala Harris. Donald Trump is not the pilot of the plane."

Avowed communist Jones had no retort except to say Harris is actually "the co-pilot" now.

Yeah, cooked.

What's Tim Walz Saying?

Jennings trained his sights on Walz, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, for spending time criticizing J.D. Vance, the Republican vice presidential nominee, because he attended Yale.

"He spends a fair amount of time attacking J.D. Vance, who grew up poor, worked hard to get an education and rise above his station in life," Jennings said.  And he has used it as a punch line on the campaign trail. 

"And I don't know what he's trying to communicate to every small town, poor kid out there, saying, 'If you choose to work hard and go to an Ivy League school, you somehow abandoned your small town."

Van Jones Forced To Agree With Jennings

Avowed communist Jones, who grew up in tiny Jackson, Tenn., and went to Yale, had no recourse but to agree.

"I think you're correct on that," the avowed communist said.

There are too many examples of Jennings roasting his liberal colleagues to cite here. But it is attention-grabbing.

One might think this is a good thing for CNN because it needs all the attention, all the ratings help it can get.

But we all know CNN isn't outwardly moved or troubled by poor ratings. It is troubled by great conservative messaging.

And Scott Jennings is consistently delivering that live on the network's own air. 

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Armando Salguero is a national award-winning columnist and is OutKick's Senior NFL Writer. He has covered the NFL since 1990 and is a selector for the Pro Football Hall of Fame and a voter for the Associated Press All-Pro Team and Awards. Salguero, selected a top 10 columnist by the APSE, has worked for the Miami Herald, Miami News, Palm Beach Post and ESPN as a national reporter. He has also hosted morning drive radio shows in South Florida.