Saquon Barkley Says He Didn't Get Why Taylor Swift Got Booed At The Super Bowl... Who Wants To Tell Him?

After a stellar season and a great performance in Super Bowl LIX, Philadelphia Eagles running back Saquon Barkley is doing the media rounds and this year that included a visit to The Howard Stern Show.

Something that was a much bigger and cooler deal quite a few years ago, but still…

Gone are the days of edgy Howard Stern and instead, we get the Howard Stern that wants to ask Super Champs questions about celebrities he wants to like him.

And so, that's how we wind up with The King Of All Media — the former alter ego of Fartman — clutching his pearls and asking Saquon Barkley for answers about why Taylor Swift got booed at the Super Bowl.

Barkley decided to take a more diplomatic approach during his Wednesday morning appearance.

"I will say this though. You know, I remember that they showed her on the jumbotron and she got booed," Barkley said, per The New York Post. "I don’t get it. I don’t get why she was getting hate there."

"She’s there supporting her significant other and she’s made the game bigger. You know, we’re all about, in football, we’re all about, you know, how can we expand the game and make it more, you know, internationally and we’re traveling to Brazil and we’re traveling to Mexico, and you know, apparently we’re traveling to Australia soon, so we’re trying to expand the game and, you know, her being a part of it’s only helping that, so I don’t get the slack that she’s getting."

I can't believe we still have people scratching their heads over this one.

First of all, can we please get over someone getting booed at a sporting event? If you can't handle that, there are many other things you can do with your time. I mean, go to any game and wear the other team's jersey. If you're shown on the jumbotron you will get booed.

And secondly, the reasons Swift got booed are incredibly simple and don't even have much to do with her personally, so much as her association with the Chiefs, and, to a much lesser extent, her endorsement of Kamala Harris.

OutKick founder Clay Travis summed this up perfectly.

I would also add that Swift used to be an Eagles fan of note, and now she's not so there were likely some boos for that.

Sure, I bet it's jarring to get booed by about 70 percent of a crowd when you're used to having stadiums full of people kiss your ass. 

Still, I think Taylor will be A-oh-kay after all of this.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.