Former UFC Fighter Verbally Obliterates Ronda Rousey

Former UFC fighter Matt Brown had some harsh words for Ronda Rousey.

Rousey is back in the media after doing some interviews where she made a lot of random claims. A quick recap of her comments in include:

The former UFC superstar's claims have finally been enough to set off recently retired fighter Matt Brown, and he has plenty of thoughts.

Former UFC fighter Matt Brown crushes Ronda Rousey.

Brown appeared on "The Fighter vs. The Writer," and absolutely cut loose when it came to assessing Rousey's claims, according to

"I mean the first thing that comes to my mind is what’s the problem? Like is she complaining? What’s the problem? Maybe people have said bad things about you. Welcome to being a human. Welcome to being famous. What did you expect? It’s not like she was out saving babies and sh*t. She wasn’t out there putting her best foot forward all the time. What do you expect," Brown said when reacting to Rousey's complaints.

Brown admitted that injuries can definitely play a role in losses, but there's simply no point in making excuses at this point in her life.

"So for her to think that she’s special because she had a concussion, it’s just silliness. I could look at a loss, and I could give you all the reasons why I lost. But any time you say it out loud, it’s an excuse. It’s purely excuse. If someone brings it up and the first thing you talk about is how injured you were or something. Even if you’re trying to make it a reason, it’s an excuse. That’s all there is to it," the former pro fighter continued.

Brown then really went for a verbal knockout against Rousey. He hammered her and dropped the mic with the following:

"It’s just sad. Because she’s got to live with herself. That’s the sad part. I’ve got losses. I’ve got way more losses than Ronda. I fought a lot more times than Ronda. But you don’t want to go around living that way, blaming other people for the way your life is or the way that you’re portrayed. I don’t doubt for a second that she could reconcile everything. Like she could walk in and show a little bit of humility — like you said, just show a little bit of f*cking humility and everybody would be bowing down to her again. Hire a f*cking PR person! Just hire a f*cking halfway decent PR person, tell you what to say, just say the sh*t and the world is yours again. You’re f*cking back at the top of the celebrity list. But no one wants to hear the sh*t that she’s saying."

In terms of a verbal beatdown, this is about as bad as it gets. Brown clearly doesn't agree with Rousey making excuses and going after people. She went after Joe Rogan without providing any evidence of wrongdoing.

For those of you who might have forgotten, her comments are below:

"It was really disappointing to see how happily everybody turned on me and how people like Joe Rogan, who were crying in the ring about the honor of being able to call my fights, people I considered friends in the media so quickly turned on me. And I'm also kind of grateful in a way because it, like, forced me to separate my, like, outside people...other people's perception of me from my own perception of myself. Which I had realized had really become intertwined when you have that kind of, like, outpouring of, like, love and support from people. It's like you're being love bombed by the world, and you're, like, ‘How do I keep this going? How do I keep this going?’ And it was pushing me into a lifestyle that I felt like it was to impress everybody else. Like I was pandering to everybody."

If you're going to go after someone, there better be evidence provided or don't make the comments at all. Now, Brown has put her on blast for having a victim mentality.

Rousey seems to be intent on making herself more of a villain. It's truly bizarre. We'll see if anyone comes out against her, but Brown definitely verbally dismantled her. Let me know your thoughts at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.