Former NFL Player May Have Dropped The Dopiest Tweet Of The College Football Season And Week 1 Isn't Even Over

We didn't even make it through the first batch of games on the first full Saturday slate of the 2024 season before someone decided to fire off the early frontrunner for the "Dumbest Tweet of The College Football" season.

Most people would save a dumb tweet for later in the year, but former Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Roddy White wanted to make sure he got at least one contender on the board early this year.

White was apparently watching Georgia take on Clemson — which ended with the Bulldogs taking a commanding 34-3 win — but before that game had even gone final he pressed send on his challenger for this season's title.

Roddy White, everybody!

Believe it or not, this isn't even in the ZIP code as far as the dumbest tweet of his illustrious dumb-tweeting career

He tweeted this one so early in the season, we may need to launch an inquiry. It feels like it may have been sitting in his drafts folder since earlier this summer where he has been after a few weeks' worth of fine-tuning to make sure it's as stupid as it can possibly be.

That goes against the spirit of the competition.

It certainly didn't help the Clemson Tigers that they had to start their season against one of the best teams in college football, and especially in the NIL era, sure, there can always be a recruiting issue.

But diagnosing that based on the players' race? That's just dumb.

This tweet is also a perfect one to play everyone's favorite game…

(*Crowd In Unison*) Would! This! Fly! If! You! Swap! The! Races!

I think we can all do a little bit of rearranging in our heads to see whether or not that would fly, and it's an obvious no.

It'll be interesting to see if Roddy White's tweet holds up as the season progresses — or if he decides to tweet a second entry, which, given his track record, seems very possible — or if someone else will give this early frontrunner for "Dumbest Tweet of the College Football Season" a challenge.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.