Roberto Luongo Celebrates Stanley Cup With Pasta, Oilers Fans Drown Their Sorrows In Free Pizza

If you're looking for an illustration of "the thrill of victory; the agony of defeat" that doesn't involve a skier eating a mound of s**t, look no further than what Hockey Hall of Famer and special adviser to Florida Panthers GM Bill Zito, Roberto Luongo was chowing down after the Cats' Stanley Cup win, versus how Oilers fans were drowning their sorrows.

While he wasn't between the pipes, it was awesome to see Luongo hoist the Cup. He really is one of the all-time greats and came close to winning a title of his own in 2011 with the Canucks.

The guy deserved some time with the most famous trophy in sports, so it's awesome to see him get it.

After work, he and the Cup went to some nice-looking Italian joint for a bite to eat, and while this was Luongo's maiden meal with the Cup, he did it like a guy who has a championship ring for every finger.

First of all, the gusto with which the dude grated Parmesan is phenomenal. You love to see it. No out-of-work actor using one of those spiny graters to resentfully grate some Parmesan on your Olive Garden salad, this guy is doing it the old-fashioned way, leaning into it, and loving every second.

Anyway, back to the Cup…

We've talked about how the Cup can be a little filthy. The Keeper of the Cup, Phil Pritchard, does a phenomenal job maintaining it, but there's been beer and salt water and baby asses in that thing. Sure, we'd all still eat out of it without a second thought, but remember, Red Kelly's son peed in the Cup 60 years ago.

Still, I love what I can only describe as the Cup Condom™. That little bit of plastic on the bowl makes cleanup a breeze and keeps your food from contamination.

Eat up, Bobby Lu. You deserve it.

Oilers Fans Are Being Offered Free Condolence Pizzas

While winners of the Cup are hitting up nice Italian restaurants, losers typically prefer something cheap and quick that they can eat at home with the blinds drawn while they watch their comfort show for hours and hours on end.

Oilers fans aren't eating to celebrate, they're eating to forget (which is always healthy). So, Canadian pizza chain Pizza 73 is helping by offering fans free pies.

According to Daily Hive, the Edmonton-based company is giving away free pizzas to "thank" fans for cheering on the Oilers all year long.

Again, I'm not sure it's a thank you as much as it is a way of drowning sorrows.

The free pies will be available to fans Thursday using a promo code.

You'll get another bite at the apple, Oilers fans. 

Or, perhaps more accurately, another bit at a Stanley Cup full of pasta.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.