Rashee Rice Arrest Affidavit Reveals How Fast He Was Allegedly Driving Before Crash
Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Rashee Rice was charged this week in connection with a March car crash that injured seven people.
He's facing a slew of charges too, including one count of aggravated assault, one count of collision involving serious bodily injury, and six counts of collision involving injury.
Now, the folks at The Dallas Morning News have gotten their hands on Rice's arrest-warrant affidavit, which includes information about just how fast he was going at the time of the crash.
Dallas police spokeswoman Kristin Lowman has publicly revealed that both cars involved in the incident — which were a Lamborghini Urus and a Chevrolet Corvette, one of which officials say Rice admitted to having been behind the wheel of — were both speeding at the time of the incident.
According to The Dallas Morning News, the affidavit adds that both of these cars made "multiple aggressive maneuvers to get through traffic," and also provides some very specific crash data.

Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Rashee Rice is facing multiple charges related to a crash last month in Dallas. (Photo by Perry Knotts/Getty Images)
The affidavit cites data that alleges the Lamborghini involved in the accident was traveling 119 miles per hour just four-and-a-half seconds before the collision, which started with a sedan and started a chain reaction that involved another three cars.
The Lamborghini was going just a bit faster than the Corvette it was allegedly racing, which the affidavit says was going 116 miles per hour just 7.5 seconds before the crash, but the driver managed to get it slowed down to 91 miles per hour 1.5 seconds before the collision.
Of course, either way, that is still well above the posted speed limit where the incident occurred, which is reported to be 70 miles per hour.
According to the affidavit, Rice and four other men were seen leaving the scene after the crash without checking on any of the victims.
Rice turned himself in to police on Thursday and was booked into a DeSoto jail on Thursday, before posting bond and being released.
The person believed to have been driving the Corvette — SMU cornerback Theodore "Teddy" Knoc — turned himself in on Friday and was also booked into a DeSoto jail.