Randy Gregory Sues NFL, Broncos Over Fines For Medically Prescribed THC

Randy Gregory has filed a lawsuit against the NFL and the Denver Broncos. The pass rusher is claiming discrimination after being fined more than $500,000 for THC use.

Gregory claims he was prescribed Dronabinol (essentially, synthetic THC) by his physician to help address social anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder, according to The Denver Post. While the NFL no longer suspends players for testing positive for THC, it is a banned substance, and the athletes can still be fined.

In the filing, Gregory alleges he was fined a total of $532,500 for repeated positive THC tests since March 2023. He reportedly sought permission to use the medication during non-work hours in March 2023, then applied for a therapeutic use exception last May. He was denied both times.

Gregory's agent, Peter Schaffer, argued that cannabis is both legal in Colorado and safer than narcotics.

"This is a serious effort by Randy to push the NFL forward on alternative methods for pain management options," Gregory’s agent, Peter Schaffer, told The Denver Post. "If a doctor prescribes hydrocodone, that’s completely legal and much worse for the player, yet the player doesn’t get suspended or fined. 

"Randy’s not trying to buck the system, but he’s paying $500,000 in fines for something that anybody else in the state of Colorado can do. All we want is reasonable accommodation to allow Randy to treat his disabilities at the direction of his treating physician."

The lawsuit reportedly claims that Gregory was denied reasonable accommodation for his diagnosed disabilities, which it says is discriminatory under Colorado law.

It's worth nothing that banned substance use has been a career-threatening issue for Gregory in the past, as he missed much of the 2016 season, the entire 2017 season and the entire 2019 season due to a litany of failed drug tests. Still, this case could have major implications for players who have been lobbying for years for the right to use THC to treat pain and anxiety.

The Broncos decided to part ways with Gregory early last season. Initially deciding to release him, they traded him to the San Francisco 49ers in October. He signed a one-year, $3 million deal with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in April.