PK Subban Sustains Freak Broadcasting Injury Following Stanley Cup Final

One of the things that always comes out after the Stanley Cup Final is a laundry list of injuries that players are battling through. However, we don't normally get to hear about a broadcasting injury, but ESPN's PK Subban revealed on Tuesday that since the series wrapped up, he's been battling an ailment of his own.


The former Norris Trophy winner posted a video of himself at the doctor and explained that ever since he wrapped up his broadcast duties alongside Steve Levy and Mark Messier after Game 7 just over a week ago, he's been battling some serious ear pain.

"I take my earpiece out," Subban said. "Ear is throbbing me a little bit, a little bit foggy. Every day that goes by I'm like, ‘Man, my ear’s sore. Like, did I get an ear infection, like, what the hell?"

Subban did what any certified Hockey Guy would do: ignore it for almost a week.

However, it got to a point where the aching was so bad that Subban couldn't ignore it anymore and had to go to the doctor.

"I have the doctor come over to check my ear and he's like, ‘Dude, there’s something in your ear,'" he said before pointing to something in his doctor's hand.

"This has been in my ear," he explained. "This is the part of my earpiece from Game 7. This has been my ear for eight days."

How… how does that happen? How does no one say, "Bro, something is sticking out of your ear"? 

Well, it's because the thing was in there deep.

PK asked the doc just how deep.

"Very deep," the doctor said (I don't know if that's medical terminology.) "Just against the eardrum."

"The most excruciating pain," Subban said. "You guys wonder why I can't listen properly."

That sounds terrible, but it's good to hear that PK had that earpiece pried out of his earhole without any permanent damage.

Now the big question: does he get to keep it or does he have to return it to ESPN?

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.