Pizza Rolls Absolutely Took Over Big 12 Media Days In Las Vegas

Guys, we've nearly made it through the dark times: conferences are holding their media days which means that college football is just over a month and a half away.

The Big 12 had a lot to look forward to on this front seeing as Colorado, Arizona, Arizona State, and Utah all join the conference this year.

Another thing to celebrate: what was probably a lucrative sponsorship for the event from Totino's Pizza Rolls.

Alright, money is money, and frozen pizza roll money is good anywhere. But how do you incorporate a frozen after-school snack into Big 12 Media Days?

Well, one way is to just roll up on a couple of Utah Utes cheerleaders and their mascots and hand them some pizza rolls.

Well, that makes sense… I guess.

They also asked some players how they eat pizza rolls. I thought there was only one way and it was to bite into one and scald your mouth with molten pizza filling so badly that the skin on the roof of your mouth hangs down like stalactites for the next couple of days, but I was incorrect.

West Virginia Mountaineers offensive lineman Wyatt Milum had an interesting approach to devouring pizza rolls.

"I'm more of a corner guy," Milum said. "Then I take this as a big chunk, then I eat it with barbecue and ranch mixed together."

A barbecue sauce-ranch blend would not be my first choice of pizza roll sauce, but color me intrigued.

As for defensive lineman Sean Martin, he just pops them in his mouth and I'm sure he has the scars to prove it.

But they had another idea, and it involved this bizarre game that two Arizona Wildcats were forced to take part in.

It went like this: here's a table of pizza rolls, now scoop them onto a tray.

That's the game.

Wide receiver Tetairoa McMillan and DB Gunner Maldonado (what a name, by the way) did their best to sell it. 

If you ever need to serve pizza rolls in a hurry, I know two guys for the job.

What a day for the Big 12, but man, what a day for pizza rolls.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.