Photos Show Scottie Scheffler's Arresting Officer Exaggerated His Injuries

The Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) has released previously redacted photos of the injuries and clothing damage officer Bryan Gillis suffered in the Scottie Scheffler incident. And let’s just say they did nothing to help the officer's claims about what he suffered.

If you recall, Scheffler was arrested and put in jail before the second round of the PGA Championship began on May 17. He ignored traffic signals from Gillis while on his way into the Valhalla Golf Club and alledgedly dragged the police officer with him as he attempted to rush to the club (Scheffler later called the incident a "big misunderstanding").

Read: Despite Arrest, Scottie Scheffler Praises Police And Calls Them 'Our Protectors'

Detective Gillis claimed he was dragged by Scheffler's car.  But video later released showed he was never dragged at all.  Gillis also claimed that he sustained injuries and damage to his $80 pants, which he detailed in a statement he released on May 29th.

At the time, we had no visuals to help us understand the extent of the damage that Gillis and his clothing suffered. But on Friday, we were able to see them for the first time.

Here they are:

Now I don’t know about you, but I find this to be incredibly underwhelming. When I heard that Gillis sustained "injuries," I was expecting to see something pretty egregious. But that just looks like a serious case of rug burn rather than the traumatic injury he made it seem like it was.

But the most hilarious part of it was the photo of the pants. I mean, the guy dedicated a whole postscript section of his statement to how his pants supposedly got destroyed by being dragged. Once again, I was expecting his pants to look like they had been mercilessly ripped apart by a bear.

But that thing? That’s hardly even that noticeable. Gillis just needs to have his wife bust out the sewing kit and those pants are as good as new.

 On top of all this, two other officers besides Gillis failed to turn on their body cams the day the incident happened. 

Again, what Scheffler did was not wise. But because of these photos and new details of the investigation, this will go down as the worst day of the year for the LMPD.

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John Simmons graduated from Liberty University hoping to become a sports journalist. He’s lived his dream while working for the Media Research Center and can’t wait to do more in this field with Outkick. He could bore you to death with his knowledge of professional ultimate frisbee, and his one life goal is to find Middle Earth and start a homestead in the Shire. He’s still working on how to make that happen.