People were happy to watch Oak Hills Christian get blown out by North Dakota State after finding out the school has strict moral rules involving sex and relationships. The Wolfpack, a DII team out of Minnesota, lost to the Bison 108-14 over the weekend, and the score shocked the college basketball world. How could a college team win by 94 points? I had to triple check to make sure it was real. Well, after the game, people found themselves on the school's Wiki page and discovered the school isn't big on LGBTQ issues. In fact, it's not tolerated at all, nor are a lot of other things, such as premarital sex, porn, dressing in flashy manner and "sexual sins." Of course, the internet ignored all of that and just focused on the gay aspect as X users celebrated the blowout. Oak Hills Christian is incredibly strict when it comes to sexual behaviors. It takes all of about three seconds to figure out Oak Hills Christian doesn't play games when it comes to behavior on campus. Students and staffers reportedly are required to sign pledges vowing to not engage in conduct deemed against the Bible. The pledge required to be signed by students states, in part, the following, according to The Column: BY CONTRAST, FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST WILL REPENT AND FLEE FROM SINFUL ATTITUDES OR ACTIONS SUCH AS: SEXUAL SINS: IMMORALITY, LUST, ADULTERY, HOMOSEXUALITY, IMMODESTY, ORGIES, PORNOGRAPHY, SEXUAL VIOLENCE (LEVITICUS 18, COLOSSIANS 3:5, ROMANS 1:24-27).SEXUALITY GOD IS THE CREATOR OF OUR SEXUALITY, AND VALUES IT VERY HIGHLY. AS FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST WE NEED TO SUBMIT OURSELVES TO GOD’S TEACHING IN REGARD TO THIS MATTER. The school's policy on its website on gay people, transgender people, marriage and sex states the following, in part: We uphold the sanctity of marriage as God-ordained, a special union between a biological man and a biological woman, within which sexual relations are honored and affirmed by God. We have the conviction that all sexual unions outside of marriage as thus defined are sinful. In dealing with sexual sins outside of marriage, we must be attentive to Scripture and therefore consistent in applying Oak Hills’ community policies to both heterosexual and homosexual situations.We affirm that God’s original and ongoing intent and action is the creation of humanity manifest as two distinct sexes, male and female. However, due to sin and human brokenness, our experience of our sex and gender is not always that which God the Creator originally designed. We further affirm God’s capacity to heal and transform our brokenness. With this foundational understanding of creation, sin and redemption, we do not affirm the resolution of tension between one’s biological sex and one’s experience of gender by the adoption of a psychological identity discordant with one’s birth sex. Nor do we affirm attempts to change one’s given biological birth sex via medical intervention in favor of the identity of the opposite sex or of an indeterminate identity.Our obligation before God is to love all persons, understanding such love in the context of the truth of God’s Word. In that light, we will demonstrate civility and compassion as we engage in dialogue with others on these issues seeking to embody the gentle and patient love of Christ. “We believe that all human beings are made in the image of God and, therefore, have dignity and worth” (OHCC Statement of Faith) even though we may disagree with some and even though some may come under discipline for violating Oak Hills’ community standards for biblical living. This isn't a huge mystery, even though virtually nobody had ever heard of this school. It's listed clear as day on the school's website. For some reason, everyone zeroed in on the LGBTQ aspect and completely ignored all the other aspects of the pledge and policy. You're not supposed to have premarital sex, be transgender, gay, engage in sexual violence and much more. It's an incredibly religious school. Are we supposed to be surprised? Of course not, but the internet is often outraged. People wake up and just love to be upset. That's why this is happening. The days of live and let live appear to be behind us. Now, you have to mock and crush people you disagree with. Wait until these people find out what Muslims think about transgender people and homosexuality. Their heads will explode. It's not that different from gay people supporting Hamas in Gaza. Do you think they're open-minded? The school also states in its policy above that it's about respect and treating people well, despite disagreements. Again, that was magically not mentioned. Interesting how that works. While I won't get into what I'm okay with happening on college campuses, I'm also not going to act outraged that *checks notes* a religious school isn't pro-LGBTQ. Let me know your thoughts at