Social Media Roasts Patrick Mahomes For Appearing To Have A Beer Belly

Does Patrick Mahomes have a beer belly?

The Kansas City Chiefs tweeted a video of the three-time Super Bowl winning QB returning to the team's facilities, and a lot of people seemed to notice one thing:

Patrick Mahomes seems to be embracing the dad body.

Give the footage a watch below and decide for yourself before we dive in.

Internet drags Patrick Mahomes over dad body/beer belly appearance.

Would we all like to guess what happened after this video went viral? You guessed it. People united to roast him while also pointing out he's still insanely successful. Enjoy the reactions below, and send me your thoughts at

Allow me to defend Mahomes just a little. First off, the shirt is ill-fitting. If you're going to have a bit of a belly, get yourself a shirt that doesn't hug your stomach.

As someone who has a bit of a gut myself (hand up, I can admit it), not wearing tight shirts is a smart move. I go with loose polos and t-shirts.

Does a great job of hiding the belly after a few too many light beers. Take it from a pro.

Second, and more importantly, let's cut the man some slack. He has three Super Bowl rings. Let's not pressure him to fix something that isn't broken.

When you raise the Lombardi Trophy three times, you can have a beer belly if you want. To the victor go the spoils, and if that means he wants to crush Coors Light as his waistline expands, then so be it.

How many people dragging him have a Super Bowl ring? I'm guessing not many at all.

What will be hilarious is if he plays all season with a big belly and wins his third straight ring. Let the man cook on the field…..and eat off of it. No hate here, even if it's drawing funny reactions on social media. Let me know your thoughts at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.