Significant Pat McAfee/College GameDay Update Announced By ESPN Official

It sounds like ESPN will avoid a massive disaster with Pat McAfee and College GameDay.

A stunning recent report claimed McAfee hadn't signed a deal to remain on the popular ESPN college football event. It was very concerning to fans as he's arguably the most popular guy on the show for many people, especially those on the younger side.

McAfee has turned into arguably ESPN's most important talent, and having him not return to GameDay would be an incredibly damaging blow to the program.

Fortunately, it sounds like ESPN will avoid any serious trouble.

Pat McAfee likely to return to College GameDay.

College football fans might be sweating over McAfee's fate on GameDay, but ESPN's president of content Burke Magnus doesn't sound too concerned.

Magnus told Richard Deitsch the following when asked if Pat McAfee will be on College GameDay this season:

Yeah, I presume he will. What Andrew (Marchand) reported is technically true relative to ink on a piece of paper. But as you know in our world, it’s a fairly common situation to have reached an agreement without an executed contract or piece of paper. …I think from time to time Pat likes to just muse on what he may or may not want to do. … We’re not in the business of handcuffing anybody to a table. This is not unique to Pat. If somebody comes to us and says, ‘Hey, I’d rather do this or that instead of that,’ we’ll listen and have those conversations. But Pat I expect to be there on ‘College GameDay.’

This is a great update for college football fans and GameDay viewers. There's no excuse for not giving McAfee a deal that makes it borderline impossible for him to say no.

GameDay needed an injection of life and energy, and the former Colts punter brought just that with his presence. I know some of the older fans don't love him, but the reality of the fact is Pat McAfee is a superstar.

Even if he's not everyone's cup of tea, ESPN needs to figure out a way to make sure he's on set every week rocking and rolling just like the past couple years.

Hopefully, ESPN doesn't find a way to screw this up, but then again, it's ESPN we're talking about. Nothing is official until it's official. Let me know what you think McAfee and the network should do at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.