Paris Sports Venue To Be Renamed In Honor Of Ugandan Marathoner Who Died After Being Set On Fire

This week, we learned the disturbing news that Ugandan Olympic marathon runner Rebecca Cheptegei had died from injuries she had sustained after being set on fire by her boyfriend.

It's a sickening story that underscores a serious problem with violence against women in Kenya (where the attack happened). However, there's some good news and that is that Cheptegei will not be forgotten because the Paris mayor said that a venue in the city where the 33-year-old made her Olympic debut will be named in her honor.

"She dazzled us here in Paris. We saw her. Her beauty, her strength, her freedom, and it was in all likelihood her beauty, strength and freedom which were intolerable for the person who committed this murder," Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo told the media, per Reuters.

"Paris will not forget her. We'll dedicate a sports venue to her so that her memory and her story remains among us and helps carry the message of equality, which is a message carried by the Olympic and Paralympic Games."

According to reports, Cheptegei — who finished 44th in the marathon last month at the Summer Olympics in Paris — sustained burns across 75% of her body. She was being treated at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital following Monday's attack until her death was confirmed on Thursday.

"We have learnt of the sad passing on of our Olympic athlete Rebecca Cheptegei … following a vicious attack by her boyfriend. May her gentle soul rest in peace and we strongly condemn violence against women. This was a cowardly and senseless act that has led to the loss of a great athlete. Her legacy will continue to endure,"  Uganda Olympics Committee president Donald Rukare wrote on X.

According to Reuters Cheptegei is the third prominent female athlete to be killed in Kenya since 2021.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.