Say Hello To OutKick's 2025 NCAA Tournament All-Name Team

Another year of the NCAA Tournament is upon us, which means for the rest of this week, everyone will be pretending to work while they have an open browser with an endless stream of hoops going in another window.

It is, without a doubt, one of the best times of the year for sports fans.

It's also one of the best times of the year for connoisseurs of top-notch athlete names.

There are some doozies in this year's tournament, so let's build some All-Name teams and then hand out some superlatives to players with fantastic names who just missed the cut.

OutKick All-Name Team

Lefteris Liotopoulos, St. John's

Cannon Richards, Wofford

Supreme Cook, Oregon

Money Williams, Montana

Styles Phipps, GCU

Boogie Fland, Arkansas

Pop Isaacs, Creighton

Blue Cain, Georgia

Sincere Parker, McNeese

Ruben Prey, St. John's

All-Repetition Team

Names so nice, they used them twice:

Phat Phat Brooks, Michigan

Federiko Federiko, Texas Tech

Juslin Bodo Bodo, High Point

Atiki Ally Atiki, New Mexico

All-Country Club-Name/Could Be The Name Of An '80s Movie Villain Team

I don't know anything about these fellas, but their names make it sound like they grew up at the local country club being served by some guy named "Jeeves," or they would be the villain in a bad ‘80s movie where some kid has to save his town by winning a ski competition.

Harrison Alexander, Mississippi State

Cade Bennett, Saint Mary's

Josh Townley-Thomas, Creighton

Luke Northweather, Oklahoma

Lawson Blake, Arkansas 

Chucky Hepburn, Louisville

All-Alliteration Team

These kids love alliteration, and boy did BYU and Tennessee carry this team:

Milan Momcilovic, Iowa State

Zakai Ziegler, Tennessee

Mawot Mag, BYU

Townsend Tripple, BYU

Darlinstone Dubar, Tennessee

All-Kind-Of-Sounds-Like-A-Porn-Name Team

If hoops don't work out and the adult entertainment biz comes a-calling, we've got a few players who wouldn't even have to change their name:

Frankie Fidler, Michigan State

JT Rock, Iowa State

Langston Love, Baylor

Connor Dick, Montana

Dusty Stormer, Gonzaga

Hayden Hefner, Texas A&M

JoJo Fullwood, UNC Wilmington


Unfortunately, not everyone can get on a team — there are only so many roster spots — but with so much name talent in this year's tournament, I think it's only right that we salute some of the best-of-the-best with some superlatives…

Name That Sounds Most Like It Would Belong To The Protagonist Of A Cop Drama That Only Ran For Half A Season: Devlin McGlockton, Vanderbilt

Name Most Likely To Set The Bar Of Life Exceedingly High: Kobe Elvis, Oklahoma

Name That Sounds Most Like A Low-Cost Air Carrier: Favour Aire, Bryant

Most Likely To Get Mixed-Up With A Bald, Canadian Cartoon Child: Kai Yu, Liberty

Most Likely To Have Differing Opinions On Passing The Ball: Rakease Passmore, Kansas; Greedy Williams, UNC Wilmington

Most Likely To Be Mistaken For A Game Of Thrones Character: Thokbor Majak, San Diego State

Name That Best Describes A Heartfelt Apology From The Former Head Of The WWE: Sin'Cere McMahon, Norfolk State

Most Likely To Be The Name Of A DC Comics Anti-Hero: Malcolm Dread, Mount St, Mary's

What a class, and there was even more talent that didn't make the cut.

If you've got any players you feel deserve a spot on this year's team, feel free to send them to:

Written by
Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.