Olympic Surfers Seem To Have Had It Way Better Than Those Stuck In The Olympic Village

One of the biggest stories from throughout the Paris Olympics has been just how miserable the Olympic Village has been. The food situation has been awful, there's no air conditioning, and it got so bad that a gold medal-winning swimmer was seen sleeping in a Parisian park because that was an upgrade.

However, on the other side of the world, surfers competing for gold in French Polynesia appear to have had it a little bit better, because one Olympian's biggest complaint about his situation is nothing compared to being served fish with worms in it.

Surfers — like Peru's Lucca Mesinas — spent their time on a cruise ship called Aranui 5 anchored off the coast of Tahiti. Mesinas told TMZ about his experience after arriving at LAX this week.

"We had good food, we had ping-pong, things to do over there," Mesinas said. "We were allowed to leave the boat anytime to go to surf. It was pretty fun anyway."


Now, I think we need an asterisk here, and that's because I think surfers are perpetually upbeat. I've never seen a bummed-out surfer. As long as there are waves and a decent fish taco place within walking distance of those waves, I think most surfers wouldn't care if they had to sleep on the beach, on a cruise ship, or even in one of those cardboard anti-sex beds.

Surfer Says He Occasionally Had Trouble Sleeping On Cruise Ship

However, Mesinas did have one complaint and it had to do with sleep.

"The room was pretty nice, the bed was really nice too, the only bad thing was that the boat was moving a lot like every day," he explained. "Because there was a lot of wind and waves it was kind of difficult to sleep sometimes."

Imagine you're an Olympian who just spent two weeks in an Olympic Village that makes a Motel 6 seem like a Ritz-Carlton by comparison. Mesinas had a nice room, and a nice bed, but the ship moved just a bit too much.

In Paris, they didn't have enough bathrooms and were allegedly served fish with worms in it (did I mention the fish with worms?!) They would've killed for a rocking ship!

And that might be Mesinas' personal take. Some people would love feeling the waves gently rocking the ship.

Considering the next Games are in Los Angeles, where there are plenty of places to catch some waves, bruh, surfers may end up having to deal with the Olympic Village like everyone else.

Hopefully, LA organizers learn lessons from Paris' shortcomings on this front.

Like allegedly serving fish with worms in it.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.