Olympic Cyclist Inga Thompson Changes Tune, Votes For Trump To Save Women's Sports

Inga Thompson is a lifelong Democrat. But she voted for Donald Trump in 2024 because of one pivotal issue — protecting women's sports.

The Joe Biden Administration attempted to re-write Title IX to protect gender identity over biological sex. Further, House Democrats all voted against a bill that would protect women's sports and women's private spaces. 

So back in August, Trump vowed to do the opposite. Trump promised he would keep men out of women's sports.

And that was all that Thompson, a former Olympic cyclist, needed to hear.

"I don’t want my boyfriend to hear this because we’re both Democrats. I used to hate Trump, because I come from Reno, Nevada, around the casinos," she told The Telegraph. "I grew up with a lot of people who were in gaming, and we hated Trump. I knew people who would make deals with him, then he would back out. The first time he was up for election, I was making fun of him. 

"This time around, my position is, ‘If he’s going to protect women, I will vote for him.’ This is the biggest threat to women that I can think of happening in my generation. And I have to vote for women."

Thompson previously slammed Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI)'s transgender athlete inclusion policy in 2023. So when the Democratic Party, too, refused to protect women, she was done with them.

"Did they not learn their lesson at the Olympics about how tone-deaf they are, how blind they are about what they’re doing to women?" she said. "I’m angry at the party, being a Democrat myself, that they continue to throw women under the bus. It would have been so easy for them to allow common sense to come back. But they won’t. It’s the final straw."

Thompson clarified that she believes that simply acknowledging the reality of biology is a common sense issue — not a political one.

"None of us are radicals, we’re just about common sense," Thompson said. "After their response to the Protection of Women in Sports Act, they’ve lost me forever. This is when you realize the party has lost the plot."

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So Thompson voted for Trump based on his promise to protect women, and it didn't take him long to deliver on that promise. On day one of his second term as president, Trump signed an Executive Order establishing that biology is real and there are only two genders.