Olympian Arrested For Buying Cocaine From French Teen Says Sorry For Partying

This Olympian may be a professional on the playing field, but he is definitely an amateur when it comes to street smarts.

Australian Olympic men's field hockey player Tom Craig was arrested Tuesday night after allegedly buying cocaine from a 17-year-old Paris drug dealer following his team's elimination from the Summer Olympics, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.

The 28-year-old striker had apparently had enough with the team dinner function he was at before he decided to head down the street in the popular 9th arrondissement, most known for its Moulin Rouge theater and poppin' nightlife before eventually being arrested after Paris authorities saw the drug transaction take place. 

"I’d firstly like to apologise for what has occurred over the past 24 hours. I made a terrible mistake and I take full responsibility for my actions," Craig announced after being released from jail.

The teenage dealer was subsequently arrested as well, after being found to be in possession of ecstasy tablets as well as other drug paraphernalia. 


First off, Tom, you can't be walking around in a city that you're not familiar with trying to find drugs of all things - ESPECIALLY when that city happens to be hosting the Olympics and is one of the most heavily guarded in the world right now.

Dude was probably wandering around and looking as paranoid as McLovin from Superbad trying to buy alcohol.

Second, everybody knows that when some random person on the street asks if you want drugs, the answer is always "No," because God knows what it is and also you're an Olympian, dude!



Craig made a brief statement to reporters earlier today in which he apologized to his family, country and the sport. He did not take any questions.

In a statement, the Australian Olympic Committee confirmed that "an Australian hockey team member is in custody after being arrested in Paris on August 6th. No charges have been laid. The AOC is continuing to make inquiries and arrange support for the Team member."

As always, social media has been having some fun with this - with "Tom Craighead" now trending.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.