The NHL Awards show always has a habit of veering into cringe territory, but this year during a bit with Tampa Bay Lightning star Nikita Kucherov, the show didn't just veer, it made a hard left across several lanes of traffic to deliver the cringe. This year's host was Matt Friend. If you're not sure who that is, fear not, there were a lot of people asking that same thing. He's a comic and impressionist who is popular on social media, so apparently the league thought, "This guy will connect with the kids. It's not like he's going to throw on a crappy-looking beard and do a bad Russian accent while talking to Russian players, or anything." They were incorrect on both parts. During the show, Friend sidled up to Kucherov who was sitting next to his wife and waiting to hear whether or not he won the Hart Trophy (he did not). "How we doing, man? You feeling good? You look like number one bullcrap. How's it feel, man?" Friend said in what was allegedly an impression of Kuch himself. He pointed the mic at Kucherov who just muttered something unintelligible. "For some reason, you sound more Russian on YouTube, anyways…" Friend said. *Crickets* Look… this doesn't seem like an easy award show to host, but maybe don't try to do a bit with a guy known to not play along with things. Remember the All-Star Skills Competition like four months ago? The guy could barely be bothered to take part in a skills event, who was under the impression he'd be down to do some improv like he's taking a class at Second City? Apparently, Matt Friend was. This Bit With Kucherov Was An Express Train To Cringeville "This would be your second Hart Trophy," he said, no doubt sweating under that fake beard knowing this bit was DOA. "Do you know where you put the other one, or what do you do?" "Yeah, it's at my house," Kuch said with a shrug. "So much enthusiasm from Kucherov!" Friend said into camera before pointing to the cheap seats. "They're loving it up at the top there." Were they though? Or was that sound we heard a douche-chill shiver? Believe me, I know comedy is hard, but… you should try first before mailing it in. But believe it or not, the cringiest moment was saved for last. Friend asked the Lightning forward what his predictions were for next season. "Uh… try to win the Cup," Kucherov replied. "That is such amazing advice for hockey players. man. Wawaweewa," Friend said. Yes, you heard correctly. That was a Borat "wawaweewa" in the year of our Lord 2024 while talking to a guy who's from Russia, not Kazakhstan. I think for sure Kucherov could have been a better sport here, but this is a two-way street. The bit was so aggressively terrible that it's going to make a guy who already has no interest in participating clam up more. Hopefully, this is a learning experience for the NHL and whoever hosts next year. Maybe put a little more thought into bits and choose your straight men a little more wisely.