A Newspaper In Jackson Tried To Kill Archie Manning

Oh, you thought Archie Manning was dead this morning? First off, he's not. Rest easy. He's alive, 75, and ready to thrive! 

Second off … you're not alone! Half the internet woke up today thinking Archie Manning had officially checked out, and it's all because one publication in Mississippi tried to jam as many buzz words into their headline as humanely possible just to appease the Google Gods, and, in turn, nearly murdered a living legend. 

Whew. What a sentence! Who says July is a dead time for sports?! No sir. Not when you have the Clarion-Ledger pumping out headlines like this:

Archie Manning is alive, don't worry

Hilarious. I mean, what are we doing here?

Actually, I know exactly what they're doing. Or, at least what they wanted to, because I do it, too. Any chance you have to work Manning, Arch Manning, Ole Miss, Peyton and Eli into a headline, you take it. Those are buzz words on the internet streets, and they get the algo working. 

Now, should you do it at the expense of nearly murdering a 75-year-old? Eh. Your call, I guess. OutKick probably wouldn't – never say never! – but apparently the Clarion-Ledger (and Gannett) decided it was a risk worth taking. 

Unfortunately, this little sleight of hand didn't get past the internet. At all!

It is wild that an editor actually let that headline go through, but, again, sometimes it's a slow time of year and you need the #clicks. This certainly got the #clicks. 

Promoting it on OutKick and Fox News like I'm doing right now will help, too. You are welcome! 

Anyway, breathe easy, folks. Arch Manning is alive and well, and turned 75 in May. Why the fine folks in Jackson decided to write about it in July, I have no clue. But, they did, and they're getting dragged through the mud for it. 

Oh well. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.