Mets Broadcaster Keith Hernandez Is Offended By The 'F' In 'LFGM'

Kids these days sure do love their acronyms. Think of all the time saved by writing "LOL" and "OMG"! But New York Mets broadcaster Keith Hernandez has a big problem with an acronym used by fans of the team.

The Mets have a few acronym slogans that fans use to show support of the team. One is the common "OMG," but it has a special meaning for the team because Jose Iglesias, an infielder on the team, has a song called "OMG." 

He even performed it after a Mets win at Citi Field. 

The team also often uses the acronym "LGM," which simply stands for "Lets Go Mets." This is common among the New York teams. The New York Rangers, for example, use "LGR." I'll give you three guesses as to what that stands for. 

But some fans have taken to adding an extra letter to the "LGM" rallying cry to turn it into "LFGM." This was started by Mets star Pete Alonso, who added #LFGM to a tweet back in 2019. 

"We represent the greatest city in the world. And whether you’re a player or a fan, we all should be proud to be a part of this thing. We should say LFGM like we effing mean it," Alonso said in 2022. 

The "F" in that phrase stands for a four-letter word on George Carlin's "Seven Dirty Words" list. 

Well, New York Mets broadcaster Keith Hernandez isn't a fan of adding the "F" to "LGM" and even says he declines when fans ask him to write the phrase when they get his autograph. 

During Monday's broadcast of the team's matinée matchup against the Pittsburgh Pirates, Hernandez made his thoughts on the matter crystal clear. 

"Don't add on the ‘F,’ I don't like the ‘F,'" Hernandez said, referring to the "LFGM" slogan. 

I'm torn on this one. I see Hernandez' side of not wanting to add profanity to a slogan, but at the same time, it's just a letter. Sure, we know what it means, but at least no one is actually saying it. 

Hell, even Alonso said "effing" in his quote. Again, that might not be the cleanest language in the world, but we're past the point of offending kids with all the things that they're exposed to these days. 

Feels like we have bigger problems than an extra letter in a New York Mets slogan, but what do I know? If Keith Hernandez doesn't want to write "LFGM" when he signs autographs. After all, this is America. 

And you know what? LFGA.  

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.