NCAA Finally Makes Smart Decision, Loosens Up Alcohol Rules
The alcohol options at major NCAA events will reportedly loosen up.
Alcohol is starting to become more and more popular at NCAA events after major campuses not allowing it for decades.
Now, the NCAA has "made some tweaks to host site policies around alcohol sales to allow for hard seltzer and cider to be sold in addition to beer/wine," according to Bryan Fischer.
That means those of you looking to crush some White Claws might be in business.
Should alcohol be allowed at college sporting events?
For years, the NCAA didn't even allow alcohol sales at championship events at all. How insane is that? That insanely stupid rule was updated a few years ago.
It was a rule that should never have existed at all, and as alcohol sales at college events become more and more popular, restrictions should just be completely dropped.
Opening up restrictions to allow for hard seltzer and cider is nice, but why is this even necessary? Why is the NCAA attempting to regulate alcohol at all? Is this America or communist China?
Cold beer or whatever else you might enjoy goes hand in hand with a great sporting event. Nothing hits the spot better than drinking an ice cold Busch Light or Miller Lite watching your favorite team play.
For years, that wasn't allowed at venues. Again, it's not even clear why the NCAA was regulating booze at all. It's a sports governing body. It's not your local alcohol board.
Let people sell seltzers, beer, wine, cocktails and whatever else they can get their hands on. This isn't hard. Let the people enjoy some drinks and live life. For once, it does appear the NCAA made the right decision. Now, if only it could just stop being involved at all, sports would be much better off.