NASCAR Star Says Payback Is Coming, Wife Calls Sport A 'Joke' Amid Rigging Accusations & Tempers Flare In Indy

Whew. I gotta say, if the world somehow ends between now and when NASCAR returns in a few weeks after the Olympic break, they went out with a BANG. 

Seriously. There was so much piss and vinegar mixed with testosterone yesterday in Indianapolis I wasn't sure everyone was gonna make it out alive. Serious question … did someone kill Chase Elliott's cat? Piss in his cereal? Sleep with his sister?

Our man was an absolute ball of fire from the onset, just hurling insults at NASCAR like it was his job and dropping enough cuss words to make your Mother-in-Law faint. What a day. Same with Angry Ryan Blaney, who spent the afternoon very … angry. Weird. 

What else? Well, frankly, all the anger really started earlier in the week, when Kyle Busch hopped on Pat McAfee's show and threatened to murder Corey LaJoie after last week's incident. Oh, you thought Rowdy had given up? Think again! Head on a swivel, Corey. 

We also have fans crying foul this morning over yesterday's finish, NASCAR wives doing the same, and, of course, Sam Busch trying on clothes for her big Italian vacation this week. Avviate i motori!

That's start your engines in Italian, for those wondering. Didn't see that coming this morning, did you?

Four tires, a little more fuel for pretty much everyone in Indy (minus Golden Boy Kyle Larson), and a dose of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for Chase Elliott … Monday Morning Pit-Stop – the ‘That NASCAR Race Was More Rigged Than The Election!’ edition – is LIVE!

Might as well start … with the end!

I hate to skip right to the end (not what my wife says!), but I feel like I'd be burying the lede if I didn't. Now, full disclosure, I didn't watch the end in real time. 

I tried like hell, but I had somewhere to be, and the stupid red flag took 30 minutes, so I was out of time. 

It also didn't help that NBC kept leaving the actual race to go to the news. Like, come on. I get it. Joe Biden dropped out yesterday. It was a big story. But we also live in 2024. 

You wanna know where everyone gets their news from? Twitter. Do we really need to be sending NASCAR off the main NBC channel at 7 p.m. just so we can break in to cover news that happened five hours ago?

Amen, Spotter Joel! Although, to be fair, I'm sure all the woke, virtue-signaling, box-checking folks at NASCAR HQ were truly devastated that their great commander in chief stepped down yesterday. Sad day for them. Oh well. Elections have consequences, you know. 

Maybe Kamala will give the command when the sport returns in a few weeks?! I'm sure the folks in the grandstands would love her!

Whew. What a tangent. Where was I? Oh yeah! NASCAR fans are PISSED today because they think they rigged the ending of the race for Kyle Larson. Again, I didn't watch it live, but I was listening on the radio, and even I'll admit … I was a little confused as to why they waited nearly two laps to throw a caution:

What a day for Chase Elliott

I mean, just an elite troll job there from Kyle Larson. Solid work. It's not often you see some personality come out of Larson, so I'll take what I can get. 

As for the finish … yeah, I don't get it. The guy spun an hour ago, and we're just gonna wait until the leader takes the white flag to throw the caution? Eh. I ain't buying it. Not saying it was rigged – it wasn't – but also not saying the folks in the competition tower didn't fall asleep at the wheel here. 

I assume they thought that Preece would get going and be able to nurse it back around, but why take that chance? It's easy enough to throw a quick caution, stack them back up and do it again. And hey! If they did that, maybe they could switch the race to another channel just for shits and gigs! Spotter Joel would've loved that. 

Thoughts? Lemme know! 

As for the golden boy stuff … everyone knows that Chase Elliott is NASCAR's rightful golden boy. Come on! I mean, he just gets all the breaks:

Kyle Busch set the tone last week

I know I'm a Chase homer, but … he ain't wrong. What are we doing here? Why are we dealing with something called ‘blend rules’ in NASCAR? 

You know what the shit's for? IndyCar. F1. Not NASCAR. Donald Trump didn't survive an assassination attempt to see NASCAR start screwing over certain drivers over … ‘blend rules.’ This is America. 

(I don't know what any of that means, but, again, I'm a Chase homer so that's what you get)

In all seriousness, Chase probably had a winning car yesterday and that penalty killed his day. You can't just make up all that track position at Indy. Doesn't work like that. He was buried for good after that, and I still can't see what he did wrong. 

Now, I very much could see what Corey LaJoie did wrong last week when he punted Kyle Busch at Pocono, and, it turns out, so could Rowdy!

NASCAR wives take us into the break

Hilarious. THAT's the Kyle Busch we all know and love. Not the loser who sidestepped the questions after getting wrecked last week. This guy, right here. 

No, I didn't call him back because he's a liar, a loser, and he's gonna get his ass sent to the sun at some point soon. 

Amen, brother. Give 'em hell, Rowdy! 

PS: you reckon anyone in the garage will object to Kyle wrecking Corey?

(nobody pushed him) is sneaky hilarious. Well done. Everyone hates this dude. Can't wait to see how Rowdy pays him back!

But first, a trip to Italy:

Che Cosa a stufa! That's what a heater! in Italian … loosely. I wouldn't take it to the bank, but that's what Google translator told me, so I went with it. 

Have a good time over there, Sam! Let's make some #content. 

On the way out, let's check in with NASCAR OG McCall Gaulding to get her thoughts on yesterday's race:

Welcome back, McCall! Been a while. Glad to have you in peak form as we head into a two-week break. Can't wait to see what you cook up for us on vacation. 

On that note, let's all get out of here and get to recharging the ‘ol batteries for the stretch run. See y’all in two weeks. 

(just kidding, this column doesn't take breaks. We grind our asses off like the great Patriots we are! See you next week!)

Written by
Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.