NASCAR Fan Fight Wipes Out Some Kids, Ex-Driver Gets Nasty With A Daddy & Chase Elliott Calls Out Greedy Boss

Well, that was a bummer. What the hell, Racin' Gods? First Indy and then NASCAR?

Good lord. Not your best showing yesterday, fellas! The motorsports calendar pretty much just asks for one day out of the year. That's it. Feel like that's a pretty reasonable ask. 

Hell, there were THREE races yesterday y'all could've picked to mess with, and you chose to leave the dainty F1 race alone? Are you serious? Biden's America, I reckon. 

Anyway, enough bitching … for now! Kyle Larson will join us here in a bit, and he looked like a lost puppy last night. 

Happy Memorial Day to all. We have a big debrief to get to after a chaotic day on the track – both at Indy and then last night at Charlotte – so let's day-drink together and get these holiday engines revved the hell up. 

We've got sad Kyle Larson. We've got Chase Elliott saying the quiet part out loud about the crooks over in the NASCAR finance department. 

We've also got Road Rage Denny Hamlin raising absolute hell over a couple tight parking spots, pissed off teenagers down in the Busch (Xfinity) Series, Donald Trump AND Lamar Jackson. 

What a 1-2 punch there at the end, huh?! What a damn ticket that would be. You'll see. 

Four tires, just enough fuel to get us 300 miles because that's all we needed last night, and an umbrella that stretches from Indy to Charlotte … Monday Morning Pit-Stop – the ‘Kiss Our Ass, Mother Nature!’ edition – is LIVE!

Kyle Larson should probably give The Double another shot next year

… Because, frankly, he didn't really run it this year. At all, actually. 

Kyle ran the entire Indy 500, finished 18th – mainly because he got nabbed for speeding on pit road late in the race – and then jetted off to Charlotte to join the already in-progress Coke 600. 

Problem was, Indy was delayed a few hours because of rain. And then, by the time Sad Kyle sprinted to his pit box in Charlotte around 9:30 last night … rain again! And a lot of it. 

So, he did what any great American would do when things are just clearly not going your way … he took his ball and went home! 

Well, they all did … because the race was deemed official a few hours later. Christopher Bell was declared the winner – for the dozen of CB fans who care. 

Relax! It's a joke. Two dozen, probably. 

Anyway, all that to say, it was a rough day at both tracks for Kyle Larson and I would imagine he's gonna give it a shot again next season. And when it inevitably rains again next year, only then will he give up and call it a career. Can't wait!

Denny Hamlin spoke for all NASCAR fans last night

Hilarious. I don't know why, but watching all the reporters out there just waiting for Kyle Larson to arrive via golf cart, only so they could then chase him down pit lane, is funny to me. There's just not a human on this planet that I'd chase after with a video camera. 

But, I reckon someone's gotta do it (right?), so thanks to you all! 

As for the actual racing last night at Charlotte … eh. It was fine. Was actually probably gonna be really good for the final 150 laps or so because Brad Keselowski was gearing up to pounce, and Kyle Larson would've inevitably driven to the front … but, we'll never know. Sad. 

Hm. What else? Oh yeah! 

Denny Hamlin didn't lead a single lap last night for the first time in like 20 races, and he was thrilled about it!

A bad race ended a bad week for NASCAR

"Brother, if I do anything new that I haven't already done, we're gonna FIGHT." What a damn line from Chris Gabehart. 

"You hear me, 17? Park in my f--king box … I will STOMP ON YOUR BUMPER!"

God. What a duo over on the 11 team. Denny and Chris may be the most perfect driver/crew chief pairing in the history of NASCAR. Electric. 

And by the way … Clint Bowyer acting surprised to hear Denny Hamlin get heated was rich. Denny nearly murders like three people a week. Guy is a loose cannon out there. I mean, it's pretty much him, Ryan Blaney, and then everyone else when it comes to the Lunatic Level inside the car. 

Well, I reckon you can throw Ricky Stenhouse – and his daddy – on that list, too. Those two lit up the sports world like a Christmas tree last week when they attacked poor Kyle Busch, and NASCAR loved it. 

They plastered The Fight all over their social media accounts, used it to promote their podcast shows, made fancy little graphics about it for their Twitter feed – the whole nine yards. 

And then … they slapped Ricky with a $75,000 fine! Unreal. 

I wrote about it last week, so I won't get too much into the weeds again here. But, it's complete BS and NASCAR was rightfully dragged through the mud by everyone – including Chase Elliott – over being a bunch of greedy hypocrites. 

If I were Ricky, I'd tell them to piss right the hell off and appeal that fine so fast their greedy little heads would SPIN. 

We'll see. 

We had a couple SOLID fights down in the minors this weekend

God, it's just so true. Thank you, Chase, for saying the quiet part out loud – although it's not really quiet at this point, because NASCAR is getting pretty universally dragged over that fine. 

It's just insane. 

Anyway, we'll see if Ricky appeals. Lord knows I would. 

Would you? Email me about that – or anything else – at 

While we're on the topic of kicking, screaming, yelling and cussing … we had a couple really solid little scrums this past weekend. 

One involved former NASCAR legend Ryan Newman (rocket man!), and another involved a bunch of drunk rednecks. 

What a country!

Trump, Lamar and pissed off teens

Ryan Newman! What a mouth on that guy, huh? They say you get softer with age, but Rhino ain't slowing down at 46. 

"Are you driving the car? Then shut the f--k up and go back to the pits."

Also, what's the deal with all the pissed off dads injecting themselves into their sons' business right now? First you had Ricky Stenhouse Sr. last week attack Kyle Busch, and now Tommy's daddy picks a fight with Ryan Newman – a fight I promise he'd lose. 

And that's not a knock on Tommy, by the way. I think Ryan Newman would kick almost all of our asses at this point. 

Guy took a race car TO THE FACE at the end of the 2020 Daytona 500 and walked away. You think he's about to take shit from 57-year-old Tommy Baldwin Jr.? Don't think so. 

And how about that fan fight in the infield? Love the kids getting involved. Get ‘em started young. That’s how you grow the sport. 

Couple quickies on the way out so you can all go back to getting tanked on the beach. 

First off, we had Donald Trump and Lamar Jackson inexplicably at yesterday's race at the same time, which was just a wild little picture. 

The best part about the whole thing are the people on Twitter commenting on Richard Petty's picture saying "you just lost a fan!"

Guy … Richard Petty is 86. I promise you he doesn't run his own Twitter. Hell, I'd bet a million dollars he doesn't even know "what a Twitter is." Come on. Save your breath. 

Finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't give the Busch (Xfinity) guys some love after the biggest weekend on the motorsports calendar!

Take us to Gateway, Samantha Busch

Cole Custer giving Austin the thumbs up while he's being wrecked in slow motion is, objectively, one of the funnier things to happen in NASCAR this season. What a weirdo. 

OK, that's enough for today. Happy Memorial Day everyone. Thanks for giving me five minutes. Now, get outta here!

Take us to Gateway, Sammy Busch. 

Written by
Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.